anyone got any tutorials for unleashing the UVW mapping beast from within this program? I have no idea how to unwrap or texture or export uv wires etc... has a multitude of free tutorials, there is also a good bodypaint dvd on sale but you might be able to figure out whats what buy doing some of the tutorials, I use c4d at work and max. Nice community too
another one and You've got all what You need - e-download , £8.55 , .PDF
Chapter 1: Modelling the Head
Chapter 2: Modelling the Torso
Chapter 3: Modelling the Arms & Legs
Chapter 4: Modelling the Clothing & Hair
Chapter 5: Modelling the Armour
Chapter 6: Mapping & Unwrapping
Chapter 7: Texturing the Skin & Body
Chapter 8: Texturing the Armour & Clothing
[FONT="]I had great interest in painting. I am using latex paint, it is durable and tougher. Latex paint is easy to apply and [/FONT][FONT="]have almost no odor and no fire hazard.
That can give You some idea .
e-download , £8.55 , .PDF
Chapter 1: Modelling the Head
Chapter 2: Modelling the Torso
Chapter 3: Modelling the Arms & Legs
Chapter 4: Modelling the Clothing & Hair
Chapter 5: Modelling the Armour
Chapter 6: Mapping & Unwrapping
Chapter 7: Texturing the Skin & Body
Chapter 8: Texturing the Armour & Clothing
(search for a link ebooks)