hey folks.
i've been pretty quiet lately as i'm currently applying for industrial design studies but i managed to get my new website done.
it features some stuff i did for etqw. threw some old stuff out and cleaned everything up. its also a lot easier for me to add new stuff now. hope you like it.
i know the url still sucks, plan to get a new one at some point.
let me know if you experience any bugs besides lousy ie(6-) support. i'm by no means a good coder but i'm quite happy with the results. thanks goes out to peppi and stellan johannson for helping me with the site.
i know a pimping thread without pics sucks but they're all right there on the frontpage of the new site ;P
The only thing i can offer is your nick, maybe offensive to some employers as it's Satan... othere then that looks nice.
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if names like poopinmymouth or low odor are generally accepted then i dont have anything to worry about . i think people care more about the art then the nickname (atleast thats my experience so far)
as i said tho, the plan is to get a new url at some point - something not related to the nickname.
Keep the nick!
Sa-seventyfour-n is fine!
My favourite is this one here. The way the ground was broken up is really neat.
Don't worry about the name.
All in all it looks nice and high quality. Add a couple of your favorite images to your initial post. Not everyone will click links
obviously the etqw stuff is a team effort, and not exclusively done by myself.
thought i should make that more clear.
good job man, btw how's the application coming along?
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they accepted the folio i handed in and invited me to a test in mid dec.
Fantastic stuff mate.
Only prob ive got with the site is white boxes coming up around all the text in IE,hit refresh afew times to make sure it wasn't a one off but taht didn't help, fantastic work though.