some fun stuff in there! you seem to be hanging around the really low poly (for now days) genre. you should drop a few higherpoly chars in there to show u can accomplish that pipeline
Thanks guys. I'm working on the polar bear as I can for a "next-gen" addition to my portfolio. I've been working on this generation for almost two years now but I can't show anything of course.
Does anyone know how these image loads are done like on's gallery? some sort of php whatever whatever?
page is ok.. all there what you want, easy to use.. maybe an online version of the resume..
even the favicon . *G*
if you want you could put a footer (also these blood/color splats) in there, to round it up
Does anyone know how these image loads are done like on's gallery? some sort of php whatever whatever?
Oh and yes it's Ambrosia
Awesome update man. No real crits or anything, I think it all looks groovy.
I just added the popup image window last night. Exactly what I was looking for! It's sweet.