agreed, nothing about it is functional, the blades would rarely be used the way they are dysplayed , and all the weight is in the fron ot the gun, assuming that you would need one hand to hold it it would be constantly be falling to the front. Other than that i like the texture and the colors specular map could be pushed a bit further me thinks...
23? Is this michael jordan's blade gun? This is really a prett bad design overall, very boxy and nonsensical. 2 blades that make it completely imposible to hold the weapon without cutting your hand open and then jsut ramdom shapes and extrusions thrown on top. Also it's wearing a hat.
That said what you have is solidly exectuted, model and textures are good work you just really need to spend WAY more time designing.
Would've been better to pimp your design first...anyways when building it, must figure out how to hold it, other functions and other factors like "How do I reload" if any.
The gun from the start has no clear visible indication on how to with any of these.
Looking at it again...the magazine is also kind of questionable "It looks like it can only hold 5 rounds" which a regular service pistol can carry more...
On the side note the design looks awfully similar to a Scorpion just that with some decals and plates.
its a really good solid model but it reminds me of cheesy scifi. I think thats because alot of the details dont really look like they provide any sort of function.
Hey guys, thanks for the critique. I agree with you guys on the flaws of the design. I had very little time to flesh out a concept and model+texture this due to the demanding schedule we have at school. But not trying to use that as an excuse, it did seem to me as a bit awkward functionality wise as I was doing more texturing and rendering.
This was the original concept that was submitted ahead for approval, my instructor did make a note on the big-ass handle. It was toned down a bit in the final model, I guess not enough.
Aside from the design flaws, anyone have critiques on texturing?
posting the texture flats is a good way to get some critiques on the texture. as it stands, it looks a bit flat - is it using a spec map? diffuse seems to be pretty good - as I mentioned, I think the dark gray parts turned out the best.
nice concept, i like it's proportions better than the final model.
i like the dark gray metal texture.
That said what you have is solidly exectuted, model and textures are good work you just really need to spend WAY more time designing.
The gun from the start has no clear visible indication on how to with any of these.
And its grip's way too small to hold.
On the side note the design looks awfully similar to a Scorpion just that with some decals and plates.
This was the original concept that was submitted ahead for approval, my instructor did make a note on the big-ass handle. It was toned down a bit in the final model, I guess not enough.
Aside from the design flaws, anyone have critiques on texturing?
Looking to improve.
Thanks guys!
nice concept, i like it's proportions better than the final model.
Here is the diffuse and spec map(not really sure how to create one this is my first attempt). Original size for textures are 1024.