It seems Association of Southeast Asian Nations has passed what is being called a landmark constitution.
Without Japan, I can't see this association rivaling the economic superpowers of China, the U.S. and the EU. But perhaps in the decades to come this will push the nations of the world to consolidate their economies.
The recipe seems to be:
-Nuclear Weapons
-More than 50% of the members having a strong, competitive economy.
-Some cultural/racial ties.
-Uneven distribution of raw materials throughout the union; when combined create a self sufficient economy.
My dad has been saying for years that eventually the U.S. will annex the Canadian dollar and our economies will be directly tied together. This always seemed like a good idea to me. Now that I live in the U.S. and I am seeing the results of unchecked consumption I question whether these values are self-sustaining. Will such a union reduce or improve the overall quality of life in Canada?
What about the U.S? Are the natural resources and low population density of the their northern neighbors attarctive enough to consider a far-stretching joint economy?
I think it's an interesting topic. What do y'all think?
Honestly, I don't think Canada wants to be attached to our collapsing economy.
New World Order!! Aliens!! Conspiracy!
Ok i'm done;)
You can lash a bunch of palm trees together but that doesn't mean your raft will float. America's #1 export is, its wealth. That can't be sustained for long? I would pick a better bed fellow with a much more solid business plan. Who needs a sustainable economy and foreign policy when you can just bully everyone into doing what you want by holding your wealth above their heads... oh wait the money is all gone. Time for PlanB, everyone move to Canada.
If this global warming thing pans out the entire Yukon could be the next Southern California! Pollution and all! Provided we can keep the water out...
In our lifetimes I think we will see the USA being broken up, before jumping in bed with Canada. Strange things happen.