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WIP SpiduhCup of the night

Haven't Posted any WIPs on this forum before, in the past I more often frequent 3dbuzz and 3dtotal, however you guys seem helpful regarding larger projects and I've heard good things.

Anyway: This personal project involves a character I made, just calling him SpiduhCup (rigged him already). The idea is to have a number of these characters skittering through a moist forest scene on a small scale collecting glowing orbs that fall periodically from a scattered ring of surrealish pale mushrooms. Just started on the texturing and I haven't gotten the colors to where I want them yet, either (trees and puddles still look a bit plastiky).
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestion related to creating these orbs I want for the spiduhcups to pick up. I need them to glow and pulsate and provide most of the lighting for the scene. Anyone have any idea what the best way to convey a frog egg like translucency to these orbs in 3dsmax? or have a tutorial that discusses something similar to this? any other crits on this animation WIP also appreciated. I'll continue to post updates here for feedback. Thanks smile.gif
Also see my blog for more info on this project. Oh and the actual animation is going to take place on a much shorter shot. So just a long shot for preview purposes.
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