Hey guys im working on this piece for my portfolio, rigth now i got the basic structures down playing around with the enviroment, the only crit i need right now are for my two main textures i will be using throught the map what do you guys think?are they perfect or should i change them?this is only diffuse no spec or normal
If they were cheap enough to actually use brick on the interior as well, it most likely isn't the exact same bricks used on the exterior. Where would the insulation / duct work / electrical work / plumbing go? While I'm sure this is another "post-apolitical GoW generic" style building, you should keep some of the basics of construction in mind when you start working on these sort of buildings.
I strongly suggest that u make wall texture much more bright and slightly more desaturated. The tricky thing is when it comes to lighting. When ur texture is already dark and very saturated ur lighting wont look satisfying and everything will be too dark.
Check this out for examples how level textures r done in order to be lit nicely : http://www.cybergooch.com/tutorials/pages/lighting_rfom2.htm
-I've desaturated my diffuse and used it as a spec, this is whem im lazy and dont want to create a proper specular map so dont always do this.
-my SpecularPower is a single constant, remember that you can use a texture for this too, again for this particular material it wasnt necessary/
-You can do alot more with your normal map(ie paralax) try opening one of Epics materials and see how its done:).
-Half of this I learned from friends and half of this I figured myself, so there may be better ways to do this stuff:)
And this is how it looks in-game: