I thought I'd mix things up, so I decided to use a quote from a video game. Games are becoming more and more like movies nowadays, so why not?

Here's an easy one to get the ball rolling.
"If you stand really still, I can see your skeleton . . . Far out, man."
"Don't tell Bernie, but I thought if I threw it into the water, the world would explode into flowers and we'd all live in peace."
Full Throttle
Shit, on second though I'm gonna have to make another guess...
Sam and Max.
"Sound waves can make your head spin into the sun. I've seen it happen before, man."
The more I think about it, the more that skeleton quote sounds familiar.
Think Lionhead.
It's from the quest to get the blue mushrooms for the old hag in Bowerstone South. There are two hippie merchants hanging around outside (who are presumably under the influence of said mushrooms), and they're rambling about how they lost them in the guild lake, blaming it on one another. Definitely one of the funniest scenarios in the game.