Afternoon all, haven't posted here since my Stuka texture topic but thought i'd start stopping by abit more. I got some great crits last time and could use some feedback on this character.
Im not really into this character modeling lark, im doing this for college and im finding it pretty hard to be honest.
Anyway, the renders :
Sorry, should also say I haven't modeled the ear on yet.
Thanks very much for any comments/feedback.
But I will lower them aswell, cheers mate.
I didn't go from a real face but from the overall human ref I had (it was hand drawn). Might be worth me trying to me model my face or something.
Thanks again.
If this is your first time ever modeling a character, I'd say this is a decent start. You've got the basic resemblance of a human figure there. The next step is getting much more refined with your proportions and shaping the anatomy better.
If you look at the wireframe renders of his face from the side, you have a lot of jagged lines. Too many edge loops for starters and each loop should flow smoothly like a pencil stroke. Always start with very few polys and build up. It's much easier to maintain control that way.
Rather than get overwhelmed thinking about the entire figure, concentrate on a specific section. The head is usually one of the hardest areas to do, so maybe start with an arm, and then a hand. Look on the net for reference of a nude male arm. First get your proportions right, then look at how a shirt would drape on the naked arm and add new cloth geometry on top of it.
If this were for a game, you probably wouldn't do it this way, but in creating the cloth separate, you'll have a steady reference underneath of what the naked arm looks like and can concentrate on modeling the cloth draping around it. As a rule of thumb, angle the arms away from the body just a little bit more and then drape the cloth at that angle (30-40 degrees). This is a good happy medium angle to get a realistic drape that will still look decent with his arms up or completely at his side. Once the cloth is done, delete the arm geometry that's inside it, but leave some of the wrist to attach a hand to. Then repeat the process finding good reference of a natural posed hand (open, not in a fist). The more angled reference you can find, the better you'll start to understand how to model it correctly in 3d.
Thanks again mate.
(the cowboy remake of seven samurai) actualy the westworld cowboy is the same actor as magnificent seven (yul brynner) and wears the same costume, in both films, tho he's a bit pudgier in westworld
I edited the mesh around my face, but the same errors and mistakes are holding me back.
I think I best starting over and doing as Vertex said. I'll post some random body parts tomorrow when I get a chance.
Is this what you're thinking of?
Did this last year for a personal project a friend and I never finished. Someday....
So Danny, it's looking pretty good. Don't forget his chin, though-- it should jut out at least as far as his lower lip. Be sure to square out his jaw more too-- right now he looks like a lanky 14 year old boy from the front. Bigger chin and stronger jawline will definitely clear that up.
If you're having trouble with modeling and plan on starting over, I'd suggest you check out the Gnomon Head Modeling for Games DVD-- it's what I used for this guy (and still run in the background when I model). It's a pretty quick and easy way to get your character's head built up (and is way easier than box modeling a head). You could also look up the Joan of Arc Tutorial for head modeling. I integrate both methods now (Gnomon and a little bit of Joan) with some pretty good results. Keep at man, and good luck! It's a great first character, IMHO. You should see the mutant I ended up with in my first modeling class. He was supposed to be a biker, but...
Have you heard of the game "Gun" before? There're some cowboy chracters in there that might help edit your direction a little bit.
If not i'll see about Gnomon Head Modeling for Games, cheers Wipeout.