Got my first freelance contract at realtime worlds in Dundee.
I start end of November. Its a working from home gig, with occasional visits to work in house.
I am stoked because the work they are doing up there is really top notch

Thank god for that as it getting towards christmas and I am getting short of cash

good place to make more contacts
Awesome news!
vig cheers - you are right i always wanted a freelance gig. I find it harder to concentrate working in games environment. just got annoyed with people typing too loud.I also miss the sense of being an individual some times.
working in a team is fun if you get the right folks, but sometimes its nice to take back a bit of responsibility for your own life.Saying that i will be part of the team when i work in house.should be cool with new pubs to try out
That doesn't often happen Sage:)I will probably work hard as possible then try and settle in to a routine.
I am sure I will work till I am happy with the stuff I am doing, not just work to rule.
Got my first payed job this last summer working from home too, it actually worked pretty well for me, it was during my summer vacations from university so i had plenty of time to sleep, rest, drinks and work. Now it is getting more difficult to keep the working rate, as my course thats me a lot of time, but it is still possible with a few less sleep
Have fun
It was n't a bad place to work really.
vitor, thats great you have jumped straight in there with the work. no better experience than real work. Bet the other students are jealous:)
cheers jeffro - time a for a few celebratory beers:)
I am working on trying to get a freelance gig myself. My wife takes care of her Grandma with dementia so I am unable to relocate and there isn't much locally for work.
I for one just got sick of moving around the country.
my missus prefers London, so I am stopping here for the next few years.
Good luck , man.
Don't forget to take breaks in a room away from your computer too, sometimes you get so comfy at home you forget to do that as well.
thnks for the encouragement guys. hope it works out OK:)
we are just renting right now, waiting fo a housing crash before we buy:)
Your home where you dedicated a room, or area where you work.That area can be deductable. Loo with you accountant, especialy with how much % of you rent you can Deduct. Its worth it.!
anyway have some freelance fun! did it for a few years myself as well and enjoyed it for some time. being married to work 24/7 did wear me a little thin in the end tho.
That perhaps is the best of home work, you might get a very good life quality if you organize it good. I wouldn't mind doing it full time for a few years, unfortunatly it is out of question for the next years..
Having more than one client helps to get around this.
Its funny about the rent thing b1ll, as me and the missus are sharing a 1 room flat.
not sure if I can claim on the rent for a portion of our room, but I will check with my accountant tomorrow.
Congratulations, I really hope this one works out for you
Gavimage - we should have a forum for freelancers on polycount:)
*flashes his decoder ring*