Yeah, I know another demon head from Spark:P Well, what can I say other than I like em:) This is from a new base head mesh that Kenneth Scott helped me refine. And have spent about 5 hrs on him playing around with subtools and alpha brushes. Any comments and crits are always welcomed, and plan to update him with a few things I wanted to add to him. Thanks for looking
it's awesome
took me a while to come up with that
keep it up!
if you want crits, I gots words for ya. The skull and area surrounding the horns. The horns are great (though you're probably planning on adding more details to them). The head where they attach, however, is pretty boring. Instead of just smooth happy regular skull then all of a sudden WHOA CRAZY LUMPY SPIKEY NUTTY HORNS STICKING OUT, what about adding bone folds and formations around the horny area? Maybe some circular features under the skin, places where calcium has built up leading up to and around the the horns, etc? Make them feel more like natural features grown out from the skull rather than imlpants. Not that they look like implants. Jussayin'
No C&C from me, just keep at it.
Great little spikes outta the back, might play with having some skin ride up a tad more on one or 2, just to separate them a tad more from each other
The details and structure in the face are wicked. The nose/ brow suggest your going to give him some snarling action, might play with giving the eyelid a little more up or down to go with the rest.
Like the weight your putting under the horns from the skull, looking forward to see how you get those set into the head, and what your planning to bust up the symmetry.
Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing man.
reeeeeally like the bust. the body is good, just not as catered to my tastes as the bust was.
his pose kind of reads like he's saying "hold on guys... hold on. hoooooold on, i'm seriously going to poop. hold on..."
but rigging him will solve that
He does look a little off balance tho, does he have a tail as a counter weight?
Looking sweet. Fun evil.
How about a more violent spike in those hooves. They look kind of soft now and not as devilish as they could I think.
On the body, yeah Im going to make him skinnier, with more of a hunched back to help his low hanging belly. Vig, he does have a tail, though not to large so hopefully his pose will help balance him out. TWilson, I'll add more dangerous spikes to him to hopefully bring him closer to his evil side:) Here is an update on the piece, I decided to continue and make this like a full sculpture, giving him a base, and some minons that are poking into the fires of hell to torment those who stole candy bars as kids:P Also, here is a shot of where I am at on the minion, I will keep updating when I get more done, and any commments are always helpfull:)
Mangled genitals look awesome.
The little guy's wee wee is bigger than the big guy's wee wee. Is that why big guy has a whip? to punish the little one for being more of a man?!
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually penises and ears etc do not develop in proportion to body size, because they have no bones.
Vahl: Thanks, preciate you checking out the piece.
Dom: I don't know about that, but I really apprecaite you liking the piece.
Pliang: I will drop the chest some more to see if that helps that region, still not sure what to do to cover up my break, as I had a robe, but it's covering up to much of what I want to keep.
Likewise: Yeah the big one will be sure to leave a few marks in the little minions, for having a bigger #$@%
Hawken: Hahhaha, thanks for that scientific background, but why are they called boners? if they have no bones:P
Struve: Thanks my friend, I will post an update now:)
This is what I did over lunch, just trying to flesh out the stone base that he is standing on, though it feels more ice like than stalagtite which I was going for. Please keep the crits coming, as they are really helping!
crits for stalagtitemitewhatevers: Rocks don't just... drip. The stalagwhatevers that hang down from cielings are just liquid condensing and/or seeping through the roof and then almost-but-not-quite dripping down. Since the rock is so small and the underside is angled so steeply, the liquid that would cause stalagwhatevers would just roll down the underside and not do what you're trying to make them do. Add some overhanging, low-sitting outcrops on the underside, to give the stalagliquid a place to condense and grow from. You could also add a smooth rocky "icing" on top to show that the rock has been dripped on from above, and give visual indication of where the underside stalags came from. Might also want to add some upward-pointing stalags to add to that effect. Or something.
Hope that helps... you're rockin the hot pregnant demon goat thing like no other!
Or go to this site
Has some underground surroundings like yours.