Ok, I'm getting pretty frustrated, and possibly because there aren't a ton of places with 'internships' in the gaming industry. I've only got a few weeks left to find a decent internship or I'll be tutoring kids at school for 3 months during my internship time.
Any ideas? I've pretty much emailed all the companies in Dallas and Florida (where I'd like to go for an internship) and its cost prohibitive to go to California/New York/Canada in regards to rent or an extended stay hotel.)
I'm starting to look outside the gaming industry into movies and effects houses now, I'm just kind of surprised lots of places aren't interested in 3 months of free work.
I can see it from the employers perspective too don't get me wrong.
If any of you all have any suggestions, let me know. I guess if I stay local here in Tampa, I can at least work on my portfolio for those 3 months when I should be interning somewhere.
Also, if the company doesn't have an 'official' internship program if a supervisor contacts the school every couple weeks and let them know how I'm doing, that's fine too..
Any ideas?
Thanks Polycounts!
If you put together some nice renders of your textured environments and apply to a company that makes urban environments then you might get more takers.
If you are willing to do that I will show one of our art directors some of your stuff.
We don't have an official structure for interns, but we've done them in the past.
did you try us?
As your portfolio stand, there is a photo sourced dumpster left all by itself to do all of the talking for your textured work. The CTF textures are nice, but I can't say I'm a fan of the bevel/emboss and none of it speaks to your skill at texturing objects.
Finish more of your portfolio pieces with some good lighting and great textures and I bet most of your frustration would disappear. At best, with the state of things the way they are I would imagine you would end up play testing. I know you can do better, why you're not showing it I don't know...
Thanks for all the info..
Yes, I sent an email but haven't heard anything back just yet as I've said previously the school kind of does this backwards where I have to land an internship technically before finishing my demo reel and final projects.
Unless you are specifically looking at making XBox Arcade, Wii, or the few PS2 games out there, most studios are looking at THIS-Gen and next.
Any studio that is starting a new project right NOW, will probably only ship 1-3 more games for current-gen systems before we will be at the next milestone of systems. (Assuming a 2 year development time)
Most studios aren't going to bring you in as an intern unless you are already just about there, and only need a little more direction to push you to where you need to be. They don't have time to sit down and teach you how to take it to the next level.
I'm not trying to dissuade you in any way, but realize that this might have something to do with why you haven't gotten any response, and will hopefully push you to getting where you need to be.
ok not aaall.. but kind of