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Zootfly: job openings

polycounter lvl 18
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Warhawk polycounter lvl 18
ZootFly is Hiring:

ZootFly is growing to become one of the largest independent video game development studios in Central Europe. We're located in beautiful Slovenia, smack in the middle of Europe, just a hop from the hot Mediterranean, snowy Alpine peaks and rolling hills of famous vineyards. Where else can you choose between wind surfing the blue waves and free-styling on powder snow, all within 60 minutes? We're 2 hours from Venice by car and 2 hours from London by plane.
And we have a game room packed with *everything* between Magnavox Odyssey and Sony PS3, furnished with cozy sofas and a roof patio. How cool is that?
We dedicate our top-notch technology, art, animation, and design departments exclusively to creating AAA titles for Playstation 3, XBox 360 and PC. We specialize in action, adventure and first person shooter genres. We believe in hiring creative, dedicated, talented people and letting them do their job. We also put a high premium on stability; we have been in business for over 5 years without a single salary reduction or downsizing.
ZootFly is all about the team. We have a flat structure without clueless middle management, Nazi producers, and power-hungry bosses. You're responsible only to your teammates. They'll kick your butt if you're late, but will buy you a pint of lager if you excel.
We are looking for passionate and hard-working game developers compelled to create the best games possible based on 20th Century Fox and ZootFly's original properties.
Available Openings
• Senior Texture and Lighting Artists
• Senior Level Designers
• Senior XBOX 360 / PS3 Programmers
Job Location
Ljubljana, Slovenia, European Union
Contact Information

Senior Texture and Lighting Artists
• Texture and polish interior exterior architectural spaces and world objects based on conceptual artwork and reference photography.
• Light interior and exterior architectural spaces and world objects based on conceptual artwork and reference photography with full understanding of advanced lighting principals and application as they pertain to game development.
• Understand and manage technical aspects of environmental production, including color, normal, specular, reflection and parallax map creation in relation to lighting.
• Work in a highly collaborative manner with the Art Director, core team members, and other PD team leads to accomplish production and development objectives at an industry leading level.
• Understanding and working within the designated art direction.
• Create high quality work with minimal assistance.
Specific Requirements
• Ability to texture and light 3D environments to the highest of next generation industry standards.
• Ability to work in a variety of artistic styles.
• Strong technical aptitude related to 3D texturing and lighting tools and game engine technologies.
• Fluent proficiency in Maya and Photoshop.
General Requirements
• At least two years console experience designing levels and/or systems.
• At least one previously shipped title.
• Familiarity with the shooter and action genres.
• Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
• Excellent people and communication skills
• Has a proactive work ethic and is not afraid to take on big challenges.

Senior Level Designers
• Work closely with the Lead Game Designer, Lead Level Designer and the Environment Art team to develop intense and entertaining single player and multiplayer levels.
• Guide the development of your levels from initial layout sketches to the final, polished product.
• Emphasizing the "fun" factor of gaming will be main focus.
• Be a significant contributor to developing and fostering creativity across the design, art, engineering and test teams.
Specific Requirements
• Demonstrable experience in level planning and layout, with available samples.
• Understanding story structure, drama elements, pacing, architectural language, lighting, sound, and visual effects to guide players smoothly through game levels.
• Fluent proficiency in Maya.
General Requirements
• At least two years console experience designing levels and/or systems.
• At least one previously shipped title.
• Familiarity with the shooter and action genres.
• Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
• Excellent people and communication skills
• Has a proactive work ethic and is not afraid to take on big challenges.

Senior XBOX 360 / PS3 Programmers
• Developing and maintaining the core technology to be used in commercial AAA game titles.
• Analyze code performance and optimize code appropriately for speed and memory usage.
• Design and implement new visual systems based on new research or techniques.
• Absorb documentation on new hardware & systems software in order to implement features on sometimes immature hardware.
• Design and implement efficient low-level systems to support higher-level programmers & pipelines.
• Contribute to the overall design of the technology plan of the company and the game titles.
• Research new techniques from graphics field, and assess their suitability for adoption into the technology.
• Keep abreast of latest developments in hardware & software via developer support, conferences, publications, etc.
Specific Requirements
• Proficient in C++.
• Experience in developing for next-gen consoles.
• Experience in next-gen consoles toolset.
• Windows/DirectX9 programming or console graphics experience.
• Architect, program, and debug high quality products with efficient and reusable code.
• Design, develop and extend next generation game engine: game play, graphics, AI, networking, audio, etc.
• Enforce good software practices.
• Account for risk factors and plan for risk mitigation.
General Requirements
• At least two years console experience designing levels and/or systems.
• At least one previously shipped title.
• Familiarity with the shooter and action genres.
• Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
• Excellent people and communication skills
• Has a proactive work ethic and is not afraid to take on big challenges.

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