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Forthcoming layoffs at EA, Mythic Studios



  • sinistergfx
    Offline / Send Message
    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks everyone.

    EA has been very helpful to everyone who just lost their jobs. We're going to continue to be paid for awhile and we will get severence packages, so we're definitely not being kicked out onto the street. They've set up an internal EA job fair with reps from all the EA studios today and tomorrow for people who might want to transfer. On Monday, some companies local to the midwest area (and some not so local) will be showing up for the job fair also.

    The companies local to the city have been throwing parties/meet and greets for us, also. It's really nice to see this industry pull together.

    I'm really going to miss all my coworkers; this really was like a family to me. Maybe a few of us will end up at your studio and you'll get to have a taste of the talented people from EA Chicago.

    See you guys around!
  • LLamaStar
    Offline / Send Message
    That sucks, if any FX artists are looking for a job, pm me!
  • r13
    Offline / Send Message
    r13 founder
    Sony Austin is looking for an fx person too. you can sit next to me and i'll stare at you for hours!
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