Hey all
Ok so im trying to clean up about 8 large max scenes,with large amounts of polygons and objects,there is also a hefty number of textures in these scenes.
Though the objects are now in there own groups/layers im having problems clearing/tidying up the material editor.
Basically ive had to change the file formats of the textures,which means going through and then reassigning the new textures with the correct extension to the max models.
Having gone thorough the photometeric paths ive deleted/reassigned all materials thet were coming up as missing. So now when I select "select missing textures" nothing come sup. This process oviously meant going through the Material editor thoroughly to make sure no textures were leaved behind.
However,when I load the scene I still get the "missing external files",how do I get rid of this? ive tried merging all objects into a new max file but that's made no difference.
Since Im only changing file texture extensions rather than the file names themselves is there an easier way to get studiomax to adapt to the new file extension without going through each shader/material individually?
Advise much appreciated.
you can also change file extensions that way easily, by getting the old filename without extension and adding a new extension and reassign the texture.
its not very hard to script something like that, of course if you have never done any coding/scripting before the overhead of learning is there...
still before you end up doing repetitive tasks, always consider maxscript for that, it's just too powerful. Yes for the first script you might take more time to get it right, but once you got a certain hang out of it, the cost benefit will be huge later...
Crazy Butcher,unfortunatily time is of the essence and I have never scripted anything significant in my life.If it was a personal project I had more time on it id have given it a shot but unfortunatily I havent.
Ive been meaning to download those scripts again,just bought a load of Gnomon workshop DVDs with some blur scripts being used on it. Cheers eric will give this a shot.
Cheers for pointing me in the direction of that asset tracker,not used/seen it before. So its listed the same files as the pop-up says.
My basic question is now,how do I get rid of them?
I need to able to net render/send the scene off for farming possibly and im unable to do this if that missing external files error comes up on load. The alternative is just to bung those files in the correct folder(s) and send them off anyway but to me thats silly since the scene isn't physically using the files anyway.
Also logs all the errors it found. We use it when mass-exporting our library of 3D content, works great, lets us know which files caused what errors so we can focus on those.
I don't see it on his site, but you could email him and ask for it, he was super-helpful about adding some features for me awhile back.
So ive dropped Martin a line. Hopefully he'll come good for me.
Thanks for the heads up.