I bought shivering isles lately and somehow discovered all the mods and extra stuff there is for oblivion which... kinda left me wanting to do something too, like replacing some world textures with proper normalmapped and realistic ones and doing some gear for the characters...
Now... can anybody recommend a decent forum or whatever for it, and knows how painfull it is to get the stuff in the game ?
I've had no troule finding sites to download all kinds of stuff for it, but a proper editing forum has eluded me so far.
havent seen any forum focused on this at the moment.
http://canadianice.ufrealms.net/forum2/index.php <- there's enough people here who know what they're talking about.
i also wanna put in some gnarly assed dragons etc. more importantly though, i actually saw an attempt at turning oblivion into middle earth... that'd be friggin sweet, trying to trek up mt doom O_O