So the fires are massive here. Yesterday we took a walk to where the view was nice and we could see fires from all different areas. Only till this morning did the smoke set in, luckily most our windows were closed, you can't really go outside without a face mask.
I took some pictures from my house and despite the smoke, we're safe here in oceanside. How's everyone else in California doing?

Hope you guys are staying safe. Keep us updated. Right now I don't miss San Diego.
Freakin Nazi's man;ll=35.960223,-117.443848&spn=4.827737,8.876953&z=7
You can switch into the hybrid view and see all the houses next to some of these fires.
The fire in Irvine is still spreading, but in a different direction from where I live. I hope they can put it out soon.
Took this yesterday morning when shit started to hit the fan.
Only good thing that comes out of this is that I don't have to go to class for a week. Sucks though, probably going to have double the workload next week when GH3 comes out
Stay safe Cali-counters.
Here was the first sign of the fire, a big ominous cloud rolling in
Here is the view from my office on Monday morning
Here is the view from my driveway on Monday night
Here is the view from my driveway at 6 pm on Tuesday (today).
There are some other assorted pictures in that directory that me and my roomates have taken over the past 2 days.