As my computer is slowly dieing, I have started looking around for a suitable replacement. I need a complete overhaul as everything on this machine is a piece of shit (take my 9600Pro for example). I was just wondering what you guys could suggest for a high range computer (NOT EXTREME) but still decent enough to play UT3 at a decent setting when it comes out. Or, if you just want to abuse me and my poor computer, that is fine also. I'm a man, I can take it.

Anyway guys, any thoughts?
Computers are a dime a dozen these days. I just got the above rig (8600 256, 2.4ghz core 2, 2gb ram) for $500 the other day. Someone else I know found a deal on another similar comp but with a 2.6ghz core2 and an 8800 for the same price recently. Just keep a look out for deals at stores durring the next few months leading into the holiday shopping season.
Also, one other think that a lot of people overlook is to get a nice high quality power supply. If you're doing a custom build, don't skimp on this. Quality means lots of connections, plenty of power, and that your machine will likely be much more quiet.
I just went to add in an additional hard drive, but discovered that my crappy power supply only had one SATA connection. So my new 750 gig drive that I need for video editing just sits on my desk until my new power supply arrives on Thursday.
AMD 64 X2 6000+ 3.0GHz Socket AM2
ASUS SLi-Ready Mobo
2GB Mushkin DDR2 800
Geforce 8800GTS 640MB
My personal suggestion is, if its for gaming, shy away from Quad core right now, thats an extra $100+ for something that isn't going to be used. If you have the money, go for a Core2Duo, and I agree that if you wait two months the prices will drop on the 8800s and you'll be able to grab one for cheap. Unless of course the 9's tempt you too much. Get at LEAST two gigs of ram, but if you decide on 3, get two 1gb sticks and two 512mb(if you can find them), as to get Dual Channel... or just go all the way with 4.
Actually they just did a performance roundup of CPU's and GPU's for UT3 that would be worth checking out.