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PolyCount GDC meet up (Update nov 20)

polycounter lvl 18
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seforin polycounter lvl 18
hey I know its a bit early this time around but I was just curious anyone hitting to GDC this year?

Im gonna try to go. Maybe we could have a polycount meet up or something?

hell youtube has it dunno why polycount dosent!


Feb 18-22
San Francisco , Moscone Center

************All these are assuming you are going with 4+ members on price per person*****************************

Parc 55 hotel

the hotel info

price- 434.00 total w/o tax 1736

434 per person....

free internets

close to bart

days- sunday to saturday

number-For Reservations, call 800-595-0507
For all other inquiries, call 415-392-8000


price total plus tax 1316

per person 329

----the pickwick

price total with tax 1135.44

per person 283.86

price total with tax 816.24

per person 204.06

----The powell hotel

price total with 119 with early bird special

per person with out tax 119

1 800 368 0700

----hotel metropolis kensington park hotel----

price total with 189 total 756

per person 189

price total with total

per person 179

Later post what hotels you will be staying at, and possibly maybe some polycount guys can meet up and room together to get cheaper hotels etc.

Just all talk for now, but gotta prepare Early to get everything rolling

post what dates you will be there
And what hotel you will be staying at (edit your post when you get your hotel it)


Going Feb 18-22
Hotel: The powell hotel
Screen name ::
Aim- seforin7
msn- seforin@hotmail.com


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