hey I know its a bit early this time around but I was just curious anyone hitting to GDC this year?
Im gonna try to go. Maybe we could have a polycount meet up or something?
hell youtube has it dunno why polycount dosent!
Feb 18-22
San Francisco , Moscone Center
************All these are assuming you are going with 4+ members on price per person*****************************
Parc 55 hotel
the hotel info
price- 434.00 total w/o tax 1736
434 per person....
free internets
close to bart
days- sunday to saturday
number-For Reservations, call 800-595-0507
For all other inquiries, call 415-392-8000
price total plus tax 1316
per person 329
----the pickwick
price total with tax 1135.44
per person 283.86
price total with tax 816.24
per person 204.06
----The powell hotel
price total with 119 with early bird special
per person with out tax 119
1 800 368 0700
----hotel metropolis kensington park hotel----
price total with 189 total 756
per person 189
price total with total
per person 179
Later post what hotels you will be staying at, and possibly maybe some polycount guys can meet up and room together to get cheaper hotels etc.
Just all talk for now, but gotta prepare Early to get everything rolling
post what dates you will be there
And what hotel you will be staying at (edit your post when you get your hotel it)

Going Feb 18-22
Hotel: The powell hotel
Screen name ::
Aim- seforin7
you know...whatever works.
It would be nice to have a polycount meet up this time around
If this thread hits big can a admin sticky this?
February GDC in san fran = hell no.
I liked GDC in san jose, and in may it was so nice. It was a great combo.
On the other hand the Moscone Center area of san fran is sleazy and dirty. I don't like to have to worry about getting mugged or beaten up while i'm having fun. The time i went thats exactly what i felt like was going to happen. Add in the fact it will be cold and wet, hell no!
Blah... either way I'll probably be wherever it is.
well maybe we should add each others AIM/msn Names to stay in contacts with one another before GDC rolls around?
GDC in san fran = no.
February GDC in san fran = hell no.
[/ QUOTE ]
theres nothing in cali' I really care for
[/ QUOTE ]
They have clam chowder bread bowls!..And Alcatraz....and uh.....
I live in florida so the women shift went from giant latin asses to giant tits instead and went from brunette to blondes for the most part from what I saw
other than that the bars were nice
try looking at the women in maine. It's hard to tell them apart from the men.
[/ QUOTE ]
so true
Name(if you wish)
User name (polycount)
aim/msn (To get into contacts with one another)
time staying (3days or a week etc)
Also, their should be something like Polycount supporter pins so if we come accross other fellow Polycounters we'll know.
Unfortunately I'm not going this year, as my company isn't going to send me and the incentive to drop $2,000 when I already have a job I love is pretty low.
I guess I need to come up with a speech for GDC 2009 so I can get in for free.
more or less itll be a like greenface cap or something....how difficult would it be to make those?
Maybe we can make a few and I can mail them out to people who are going?
check it again
and come see me talk about maya
they spelled my name wrong
im looking into bars in the area to hit to that night
Arshlevon I'll come see ya if it's open for the expo pass. (all I could afford
or you could totally sneak me in.
maybe we can just do a meet up that day since there will be the majority of all of us there. Dunno if poops going to wanna join us that day or not?
so so far, me, master, jeffro ,Keen , ScubaSteve ,PolyHertz
not as impressive of a polycount line up as I would have liked but still hopefully more people will post on here before anything?
however my flight is friday at 430 so I'll probably want to get to the airport by 3, which means I'm gonna have to leave the expo by 2.
Im open to suggestions at this point?