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ngon master
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almighty_gir ngon master
starting a new anatomy/basemesh, but it's a bit different this time. last time i built an anatomically correct mesh, it was quite high poly (for me), and was built to show muscle flow etc. this time i'm building one that will be proportionally correct, but still designed for game purposes.

the head so far:

let me know what you think =]

p.s. i used that skeleton from seforins thread.


  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    The ears look massive and the detail within them looks wrong. The 'V' shape underneath the neck (and meets top of the chest) is far too deep for any base mesh. You've modelled that like the rest of the chest is a bonafied body builder. The 3rd row down of polies on the forehead should better define the shape, right now they're running straight axis, move the camera below the chin and look up and that won't look as good as it could if they were arching. The chin itself suffers from being too straight, too. I think it suffers though, from not looking like anyone recognisable (in terms of facial structure); odd thing to say I know, especially when you're not going for a replica of anyone but even modelling someone generic should look a bit more like someone real.

    It's a nice start but I'd re-work those ears and make him more of base mesh (as in don't move towards a body builder look on the bust).
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Ears look the "right" size to me (eg. believable), but they do seem very "thin" from the front, and generally lacking the volume a good ear should have.
    Eyes look a tad high up, or maybe the top of the head isn't quite high enough. Usually eyes are placed about halfway between the top of the skull and the bottom of the chin.
    Additionally, the shape of his jaw from the side view looks quite odd, I'd expect it to be more horizontally aligned, right now it seems to curve downwards to a VERY pronounced point.
    Neck looks rather too wide at the front too.
    Mostly minor crits though, the mesh looks solidly built, just needs some tweaks to give it that extra level of quality smile.gif

    Keep it up!
  • MacD
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    MacD polycounter lvl 18
    The ears look odd...mostly it's the angle (they're flush with the head, but the front of the ear should be nearer to the head than the back...not a funnel on a stick, but a saucer at an angle), but also the insides are too flush with the outsides...sink that a bit more towards the head. Also, I think the nose is too large.
    I'm not a good modeler by far (I'm going to ask for mayor crits to a female head/body I've been working on soon here myself), so please take this as it's meant, as what I think I see.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Edgeloops paintover (hope you don't mind):


    The red-lop can actualy have a few variations in it. It can be like in the pic (a big circle), can go from the top into the nostrils, or their can be a separate mini-loop that goes into the nostrils from the bottom and connects at the upper part of the nose bulb. Depends on what works best for you I suppose.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    weak post this one. haven't been able to work on this all week as i've been "oop noooorth" for the week, gonna crack on now and have some updates for you tomorrow.

    thanks for the paintover hurtz.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    get to work you lazy bum! D:
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    k sry ;_;


    lots of update after a couple hours working on it last night before bed time (lol bed time...)
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    the edgeloop from the that goes from the nostril around the mouth should start at the top of the nostril, not the bottom.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    well, i've already tested how the mouth moves for animations, and it works. and as far as i'm concerned the words "that should" are entirely down to your own point of view, and should probably be changed to "i think it might". my aim here is to build a good basemesh to work from in future, and i think i've done a fairly good job, all that needs to change really is the silouhette, and maybe some of the proportions. the edgeloops themselves work fine for their purpose, and define enough shape as they are.

    sorry if that sounds snappy, but from my point of view, theres a difference between knowing what works for you, and what works best. and since i've tested this, and it works, then it's not a "wrong" way for it to have been modeled.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    the shape of the head is still almost completely wrong , the mouth is ape like , so do the eyes. I would advise to take screenshots of it, and overlay with a skull , actually study skulls , really usefull , look in the mirror and see if your face structure looks like what you have shown, in the perspective shots. i cant really give you any more advice about it , im sorry frown.gif
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    balls to that theory johny...
    the only thing really "off" is the back of the head, which is an easy fix. the rest fits just fine.

  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    there is alot of stuff not lining correctly in the front part, the lips , the forehead , the polygons are there, but your not getting the correct shape out of them.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    well, with the lips, i actually pushed the tip of my pencil through my lips to see where they fall along my teeth and gums, in order to put them in the right place over that skull mesh, so they do actually line up pretty well. another thing to considder is that without a texture, you can't see clearly where the top of the lips will be.

    as for the rest, i thought having at least some form of fatty layer might be somewhat important (i have an xray of my head, and the difference between the shape of my skull, and the skin around it, is really weird...)

    edit: i'm not trying to be deliberately argumentative here, or to say you are flat out wrong, i'm still tweaking and moving things around. but i'm trying to get across my reasons why things are like that, if you follow.
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    Actually there is a point to having the edgeloop run from the top of the nostril, its there to represent the little crease or fold that runs from there down the side of your mouth. Maybe you can get good results without it, it will probably not look 100%, something will look a bit off. Sorry if I sounded harsh in my first post, was just trying to give advice.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    thing is, i don't have that crease, even when i smile it's slightly lower down... every head is different, so building a mesh like this, which i can then adapt for anything else seems to be the best course for me.

    i'm just trying to figure out why the legs look borked =/
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Legs could look borked because:
    1) Your character is 7.5 heads tall
    2) Some modeling issues. Its not just bones that give the body form, but the fat and muscle underneath. Get references of actual people, don't just model around the skeleton.
    3) Its most likely where-ever the person that Seforin got the skeleton from may have originally gotten the data from a body scan. The fact that they modeled the hyoid bone, and some minor details on the skull leads me to believe this. While these scans are anatomically correct, they are based off of whoever donated their body for it.

    And...also. Like you said, the mesh shouldn't be right up against the bone. There's fat and muscle underneath that give it different form.
  • WipEout
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    WipEout polycounter lvl 15
    I won't claim I'm an expert or anything, but I'm always willing to help if I can!

    So, I know this is probably too late, but here's an image you could use for reference (in cleaning up this model, or for future models):


    It's a nice layout of great topology for a head, could really help out in visualizing how you want to lay your own polies down.

    I think your topology overall is almost there, you really just need to tweak a bit more. Like Illusions pointed out, I think you need to start pulling your verts out to indicate the muscle and fat more. Right now the face looks like the skin is stretched across the skull-- space it out more to show that it's not saran-wrapped around the bones! wink.gif

    Plus, the muscles down the side of the neck (Sternocleidomastoid) goes from under the ear down to that center notch at the base of the throat/top of the chest. Right now, yours is starting from under the jaw. Move that back to the ear and the model will look way better. I think the neck's definition is fine, even for a base mesh (you can always tweak verts a little to suit later needs).

    As for the legs, they are too straight up & down. From the front, they should look they sort of curve from the outer hip to the inner knee. Topology should always follow muscle AND bone structure, in my opinion, regardless of the output (game, film, whatever). But that's just my opinion, take it as you like smile.gif.

    From the side, the legs should curve back from the front of the hips to the back of the knee, then almost straight down from knee to ankle. I did a quick paintover on Dabu's Asian Goth Girl, take a look at that to see what I mean:


    The same method applies, it's only more exaggerated in women than in men. Looking at the side, I'd say bring the pelvis forward a little (so the abs look a little more up & down), and the knee back, so the arch of the foot is straight down from the ear. The arch is ALWAYS directly under the mid-section of the head-- that's where a bipedal's weight is planted, for optimal balance.

    Damn I wrote a lot. I hope this helped-- it's all suggestion, so take what you need from it. You're on the right track, in my opinion, so keep it up!
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