well I had great time in rhodes. wonderful weather apart from the second day when we had a truly awesome thunderstorm
we actually had marble sized hailstones.
The town was without power for a few hours - quite bizarre really.
sad thing was all the stray cats, some of them in a pitiful
condition, starving and with various eye diseases.
Got attacked by a bunch of them ha ha. hope i don't have rabies.
In the pics below the kittens were nearly blind with conjunctivitis. very sad to see.
pics were a little crap as our digi camera bust after the first day:(
flight was ok, generally a bit nervy but nothing major (ouzo cures all ills)

My girlfriend is from Crete - we hope to go there some day as well. Can't wait to see the pics!
but seriously. that sounds really cool. I hope to someday to go travel the world.
Im not very travelled. sure i went here and there. but i want to see more of the world.
btw. makes me sad to hear about the cats. im a car person and it makes me sad to hear stuff about that.
AstroZombie - was in corfu last year. really nice place, if a bit quiet.
Vassago - we actually fancied crete too, but anyway we are off skiing in january . should be a laugh
the pretty kittehs
my silly fault really
that was nice of you.
and yeah. cats love their tuna!