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Max 9 and File Sizes Memory

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
I guess I should have done more research before jumping. I just remembered how everyone was raving about it being faster.

Here the thing, my file sizes have jumped from 25mb to 90, to now even 160!!! without me adding anything to the scence other than a null dummy and further refining weights and hiding different portions of the model.

I'm getting "run out of memory" with it now.

So, since I can't "downgrade" my files. What can I do to max 9 to keep it from going insane with the file saving?
It takes it like 1:30 minute to save where before maybe 5 seconds.

Yes, I only have 1gb of mem. Still, this is insane what its doing compared to previous versions. I don't want to spend the money for more memory as this system is obsolete and regular old school ddr 3200 is now a commodity item $120 for lower end/higher latency basically to add another gig. $120 that can be saved for a new system next year.


  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    hihi, dont suppose you have a biped in the scene? if so, try clearing the collections (its a bug)
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Thats exactly the problem. I couldn't delete the collections as even doing that would cause Max to run of memory. I did though see the option of not loading the collections and set that then saved.

    So now I'm down to a nice 5 megs.

    Thanks Aniceto!

    ...You woulda figured they would have addressed this by service pack 2...
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    we have to deal with this almost every day at work.
    I've never heard such whiney animators!
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Yup, it's a nightmare - we had scenes bloating up to 170MB, then shrinking to 16MB when we deleted the collections
  • headengine
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    headengine polycounter lvl 18
    Definitely worth trying it right after a clean reboot and start of max - as Rick says it's been a life saver.
  • Mark Dygert
    I talked to a Autodesk tech about the issue 3-4 months ago and it won't be "fixed" because they don't see it as being broken. Basically its our fault that the load collections feature is enabled by default and we neglect to turn it off... awesome logic... Let me explain.

    Each time you load a scene that contains a biped with collections and the "load collections is turned on" it will load the collections even if they are exact dupes (that last part I consider a bug). You can sit there opening/saving the same file over and over again chunking up the file size because it keeps adding the same collection each time. Now imagine what it does when you've loaded a file with 1 collection 50 times? Thats right kids you now have 50 collections and the next time you save/open the file, you now have 100.

    Sounds like a bug to me so far, but they do this so you can keep working in the same instance of Max and use the collection(s) on any biped created, merged, or imported into Max while it is open. They aren't necessarily scene/file/Biped specific any more. It doesn't require you to manually save and load collections which CAN be handy when working with many different bipeds (like say a crowded scene or large flocks of characters). It would be insanely time consuming to update all the collections for each biped by the traditional save/load commands. I'm sure it can be scripted but they where being nice and gave us this wonderful "feature" and left it enabled, which pisses everyone off that doesn't need it, us single character folks.

    He did admit that its redundant and costly, when it imports identical collections and said he would pass that info along. We'll see if it actually stops doing it soon enough.

    This feature pisses a lot of people off.
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