Ok, so I've run into a bit of a snag. I've got a normal map I wish to use in Maya. The normal map was baked out using transfer maps in Maya. However, it looks like complete ass when applied to the low-poly and rendered in Maya. I've deduced that its not the normal map itself, since I've thrown both the low-poly and the normal map into xNormal's viewer and they look fine. I'm using a plain blinn shader with the normal map attached to the bump mapping node, with 2D Bump Attributes set to "Use as: Tangent Space Normals". If anyone knows, or has run into this problem before, I'm all ears.


To render with Maya Software, though, you'll probably want to use the JS NormalMapper shader, available at www.pixero.com. It works really well, but you'll need to check "flip green channel" on in the shader node or the normals will look backwards.
I've heard people say that they rendered their normal maps with Mental Ray right out of the box with a regular blinn or phong, but whenever I've tried that the results weren't very good. To render in Mental Ray, there's also a Mental Ray version of JSNormalMapper on that site that works well - the only issue is that it only works with the perp camera.
Hope that helps.
Edit: Heh, looks like I replied before the pics were posted. Hmmm, not exactly sure what's going on there. What was the Maya one rendered with? Software, MR, hardware?
Edit: I'm really peeved though that we're up to Maya 8.5 and we can't just software render normal mapped objects.
You shouldn't be screwed on your project no matter what though. JS NormalMapper works forsure, as does rendering with Mental Ray.