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do you enjoy flying?

insane polycounter
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Ruz insane polycounter
yeah I am off to greece for a week next wednesday with the missus. I really am not a fan of flying TBH. I don't freak out, but feel apprehensive all thru the flight. anybody else like this?
looking forward to the holiday , but wish I did n't have to fly.
My brain says ,' hmm you r in a giant metal box and its not fun wahhh'
generally 1 or 2 glasses of wine calms me down ok, but you can't even take liquids on board these days frown.gif


  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Take off and landing is cool, the flying part is boooring frown.gif
    But Greece is right around the corner anyways so it shouldnt be too bad, right?
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    I can relate Ruz.. I havent flown in maybe 10 years and when I had to recently move for the job I was a bit nervous .. I just watched a TopGear episode throughout the 2 hour flight to keep my mind occupied..

    You could always have a glass of wine at the airport before you fly .. or order one on the flight ..

    Have a good vacation mate smile.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    ok cheers Fuse.This vacation has been a long time coming.
    As i say I am not terrified of it, just that gnawing anxiety you get, kind of on a par with an interview at a games company:)
    Toomas, the flight is four hours, so it not tooo bad, but i am off to korea next year and thats at least 10 hours, which won't be fun
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Bloody *hate flying ... Uncomfortable, claustrophobic, hot, boring, smelly, forces you into overly close proximity with complete bastards, noisy, shaky, and to my mind it opens up far too many possibilities to die in the most horrific manner I can think of. A bit like trains I suppose, but you can change your mind halfway and get off one of those.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Haha, I am currently doing a paragliding course... although the weather has been kind of bad for it lately frown.gif

    But if it flys bring it on!

    But hey... if you don't fly you are doing something for the climate, right? tongue.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    ha ha Danr, its not the flying I am scared of, its the dying in an agonizing fireball part that scares me:)

    JKMakowka - I am not really scared of heights, just don't like aeroplanes. its probably partly the claustrophobia part of it.
    I could probably enjoy hangliding or similar
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Hate to fly also!

    I wouldn't be like that if they've updated there big metal boxes with some new technology/advancements that assist in problematic mechanical errors ect. ect.

    Doubt I'll ever like flying my gf wants to go to florida again in october and when I heard that I was like ...shit... I mean love the area and all but there has to be a new better mode of transportation delveoped for us "skiddish" types.

    Just extra safety precautions would make me feel safer, like a secondary set of engines wink.gif.

    Im wit ruz I got over my fear of heights when I did the daredevil dive in 6flags back around 2005 which I ended up loveling.

    I'll see if I can grab an avi of the video we bought of me screaming my head off at how much I loved it ahha...
    Cursing and all lol!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    $!nz - you would have thought they would have invented a safer method of transport by now. lets face it, if a plane crashes theres not much hope for survivial, as its essentially a big flying bomb.
    I think the main thing with planes is that you know full well once you take off there is no hope if anything goes wrong. In a train it more likely you will survive if there's a crash.
    But anyway its worth it just to go to greece for a week. it will be around 27 degrees and I am going to have fun snorkelling etc getting pissed on ouzo.
    Its only my 3rd foreign holiday, went to prague and corfu last year which was great fun:)
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    I'm with Toomas on this one. Take off and landing are cool as fuck. Rest of the flight I sleep through. Flying doesn't bother me, but heights....eek....
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Haha, you guys realize that very, very few people die flying, right? It's actually a fairly safe method of transport. Last I heard it was significantly safer than driving a normal vehical.

    I like flying. I get to sit around, have people bring me food and alright drinks, watch t.v., and check out how the earth looks from way high up. smile.gif
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    well the first time I flew was a charter flight, and the cab was packed and I just felt uncomfortable because I had just gotten out of the rain, it was just awful, I was also in the middle row, so I got no cool view.

    the second time I flew was pretty great, it was much more spacious, and I was at a window seat next to a cute girl, who I chatted with (and then never saw again), But it was fine.

    Although both times the food was awful, and as far as drinks were concerned, well I wasn't of age to drink any booze so it was just ginger ale in a tiny little cup that I downed in half a second.

    Over all I enjoy flying, but the smell does get to me.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Yeh same thins as Tulkamir said. Yeh id rather fly around than drive a car:P

    No really I feel more unsafe in a car than a plane and I haven't had nicer sleep than turbulent flights :P
    I lived in Brazil so it was common for me to go on 20 hours and plus flights. the only bad part is the airports especially now days.

    I'm not scared going in cars, I just know more people hurting them self in normal traffic than in airplanes.

    good luck! may the force be with you.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Try driving in LA for a few years. You'll feel safe as a baby in a plane.

    Also, train crashes == lots of deaths. Being on ground in a metal box isnt much better than being in the air.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Haha, you guys realize that very, very few people die flying, right? It's actually a fairly safe method of transport. Last I heard it was significantly safer than driving a normal vehical.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's exactly what I was always sure of until I sat in that old russian aeroflot airplane over central siberia and the cold air was coming through the emergency exit right next to me and now and then the cealing would drop down just to be pushed back up by the stewardess smile.gif
    Oh yeah and the only reason why we sat in that airplane was because the one we should have used was "broken" confused.gif

    Got some nice hours of sleep though during that flight, even though there was also a thunderstorm outside tongue.gif

    (I am not kidding you... this all really happend).
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    It's not so much that, it's the near 0% chance of survival that makes it scary if the plane does crash.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Greece is awesome, you'll have a great time. Awesome weather, awesome sites and culture, and the women seem to like light skinned foreigners cool.gif

    The plane ride will be over before you know it, I spent 22 hours in the air to get there frown.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    hehe... I'm on a 5 hour flight next Tuesday. Being on the other side of the country from my family & friends means I fly often.

    I've gotten use to it, and reckon I've flown about 100 times in my life so far.

  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I think the biggest issue in flying is giving up control of my own personal destiny, when driving in a car you feel in control even if you really aren't as it's all in the way you look at it, odds of being in a plane crash are really astronomical but giving up personal control over my life to someone else and not knowing them or if they are having a bad day combined with a many many ton piece of aluminum thats over 30 years old and flying through the air at a few hundred miles an hour just doesn't feel safe to me.

    I'll fly but I'd rather not just get anxious, I'm ok once I'm in the air, but landing and taking off and any turbulence and I'm a scaredy cat.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I like flying when my legs have enough room. I don't like using the restroom closets either, so I end up holding onto it till once we get out of the plane. I liked it more when my grandpa would take me and my sister flying in his plane. Didn't have to deal with a lot of pre-flight loading/unloading of passengers. They were also a lot shorter flight times because we weren't going very far, so that could also be it.
    I'm going to be flying out west for a few days this next week, so maybe I'll have a nice flight.

    I'm sure my opinions on flight would have been alot different if I actually did end up going to Shanghai last month. That long of a flight is sure to traumatize anyone.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I love flying! I've been in some pretty sketch planes while flying around in Europe, but its never really been a bother for me. I felt my life threatened more on some European roads than I did in their planes.
    The only part about flying that I really dislike, is I always get seated next to a large woman. I never get the crying baby thing, but without a doubt I'll get a large woman.
    Good luck with the flight dude and enjoy your trip.

  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think the biggest issue in flying is giving up control of my own personal destiny, when driving in a car you feel in control even if you really aren't as it's all in the way you look at it, odds of being in a plane crash are really astronomical but giving up personal control over my life to someone else and not knowing them or if they are having a bad day combined with a many many ton piece of aluminum thats over 30 years old and flying through the air at a few hundred miles an hour just doesn't feel safe to me.

    I'll fly but I'd rather not just get anxious, I'm ok once I'm in the air, but landing and taking off and any turbulence and I'm a scaredy cat.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Exactly the same over here.
    A friend of my parents is pilot, He advised me to follow him in the simulator for some training lessons, just to be a little bit more confident/aware on what's going on when you're in the sky laugh.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I heard a rumour that BMI Baby let their less experienced pilots fly on the cheap charter flights to get them the flying hours.
    Thats why the landings are always so bumpy:]
    Last year coming home from corfu at 4 am , me and the wife had been in the hotel bar all night and by the time we got on the plane I felt sick/ starting to have a hangover.
    The flight was mega turbulent but luckily the seats behind me were empty, so I lay down all the way back.
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    When I was "young,beautyful and free crazy.giflaugh.gif- sex&drugs&rock'n roll... means not married, I did not care -
    I was not scared !
    But since I've got my own family (wife & son 3 years old )-
    I've started be scared about crash. Normal; I want to see grow up my son ( and get another one )and enjoy my life anyway! wink.gif

    So I never take some cheap chapter - always a big company as
    AIR FRANCE,LUFTHANSA,ITALIA, ... I think that there's a control technical supervise. I HOPE SO.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Found this site on air crash statistics, I dont know how accurate they are but it confirms most of what has already been said... http://www.planecrashinfo.com/cause.htm

    Airliners are much safer then cars, regional airlines and general aviation is much much more dangerous than cars. And your more likely to die on crappier airlines. So go with a big airline with a good record and you've got a 1 in 56.2 million chance of dieing.
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not a big fan of flying! I know the statistics, and even when the turbulence is really rough I don't actually think this is it, I'm probably going to die. No, what I hate is the feeling of falling out of the sky that you get at least once or twice on even a smooth flight. My stomach needs to stay down in the abdomen with all the other squelchy innards, thank you.

    Next time I fly, I may try taking some Dramamine before the flight. I just need something to keep my internals intact during controlled plummeting.
  • nacire
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    nacire polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    you've got a 1 in 56.2 million chance of dieing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nice, it's like playing the death lottery!

    I usually get a little anxious, mostly due to that lack of control, low survivability stuff as well. Overall though, I have a drink or two to loosen up a bit, then all is well!
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I like it flying.

    turbulence is the best. lets you feel the air.
  • Mark Dygert
    I like flying. My dad and grandpa where pilots so I don't think I ever got a chance to be afraid of flying. I remember flying on a "big jet" for the first time being a big let down, I was 7. It was like trying to listen to music with ear plugs in. You just don't feel like your flying.

    I do have to say after 9/11 I'm more aware of who I am flying with. I'm more concerned about some nutter taking the plane down than I am having it just falling out of the sky.

    I think there are some people who will never get over a fear, especially of flying.
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 20
    liking flying as well, and like per, the idea of getting to new places is lifting itself, also like airports.

    friend of family who used to be an air-traffic controller, took me flying in a smaller machine as well (some Cessna I think) and sitting next to him I could do a bit flying myself, like keeping course and such. It was very exciting =)
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 20
    I like the sensation of flying. The extreme acceleration of take-off, the sudden drop in air pockets, especially in smaller aircraft (which tends to be the case living on Fraggle Rock as I do)..

    What I don't like is the distance between my knees and the chair in front, which is usually measured in negative numbers. I'm 6'2.5" so I have to jam myself in there. It's really bad if the wanker in front tilts his/her seat back, knowing full well that it's going to dislocate both my kneecaps.

    Airplane seats are built for dogs and children.
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    I love flying. I hear its the safest form of travel.

    How do you call an Afghan who is flying a plane?

    A Pilot, you rasists.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Per, most commercial airplanes you fly in were manufactured decades ago, or reprinted from designs made decades ago. That is what the other poster was speaking about.

    The fact is that planes don't really have amazing tech, flight is just a very very simple mechanic. You don't need Autopilot and gauges and garbage to stay in the air. I have mates here that fly to Florida in a tiny 2 person glider. And about the whole survivability thing, I have no idea why they would not allow you to purchase a parachute or something. Not that I know if thats even possible at 37k feet.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    My first flight I decided to look out the window the whole way and that was my first mistake
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I dun like the feeling of anxiety before taking off, but the acceleration of taking off is sweet, and the view as you just break the clouds is amazing
  • Fordy
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    Fordy polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Ruz

    I flew for the first time last year (4 hours to Lanzarote) and while the views at 35,000 feet are amazing, I found it really bizzare.

    Like a big kid I sat next to the window and didn't take my eyes of the view for a minute but I couldn't help thinking all the way that this just isn't natural but none the less I was in awe of the views.

    Once we hit turbulence I started to think what happens when the wings fall off, shit I couldn't even get get into the isle to make my exit to the nearest door.

    The closeness of one or two other planes worried me to, I mean we were in cloud but I could still see the odd one fly past which didn't seem right.

    If I could sit next to an exit with a parachute, I'd be lot happer.

    Then there was the landing at Arecife, that runway can't be much longer than the bloody the plane so as soon as we touched down the pilot literally slams the breaks on throwing everyone forward!

    Ahhh the relief when you get off smile.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Hi Fordy, hows it going man. yeah the relief of touchdown is tremendous. I agree its a great experience, but my mood goes up and own throughout the whole flight.Generally though, I look like a frightened squirrel:)
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I love flying. I grew up under one of the nations busiest non-commercial airports. http://www.oakgov.com/aviation/ My dad use to fly until I was about 5 or so. For some reason he chose not to renew his license (I've heard various excuses why). I only have faint memories of those flights. One of his friends took me and my mom up again, when I was 14.

    My uncle also flys hot air balloons. That's pretty cool also. It's a totally different experience. The most surprising thing to me was how well you could hear people below. Like when one girl went running into her house yelling to her parents that a balloon was outside.

    Commercial flight is cool too, because you feel the G's during takeoff laugh.gif
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Parachutes? You want a parachute on a commercial airliner? So in case of it plummeting to the Earth, you want to jump out while its traveling in excess of a thousand km/h in an altitude with probably no breathable air with no sky diving experience? Well, if you managed to survive that you'd most likely have a nice safe landing in the middle of the ocean. I'm sure that's exactly where I want to be if my plane goes down ooo.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    My first flight I decided to look out the window the whole way and that was my first mistake

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's seriously the best thing about flying, is being able to look out the window. I alway make sure I get a window seat when I'm flying.

  • robioto
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    robioto polycounter lvl 19
    Flying is fun so are airports, always fun people to look at and sketch (and make them ugly). Lots of great subjects on my trip to siggraph, so many weird looking humans smile.gif
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    I love flying. laugh.gif

  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I was actually wondering when you were going to make an appearance Smirnoffka.

  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    I hate flying commercially. From the moment I enter the airport to leaving. When you consider what you paid to fly verses what you get, no other paid experience will match in shittyness. Bad food, bad seating, bad service. And this I'm not sure of [could just be me] but lately in the past few years flight attendants seem to not want to help anyone. The last flight I was on, the flight attendants handed out customs cards to fill out. I happened to be sleeping at the time so I didn't get one. Later I asked the flight attendant dude for one and he gave me shit for sleeping while they handed them out.

    Conversely a few of the best experiences I had were while flying. Once in a helicopter and another in a small 4 seater plane. The helicopter just kicked ass. The 4 seater was like flying a lawn mower in the sky. It was noisy and shaky, felt like you could just fall out of the sky at any moment. Exciting!
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    Parachutes? You want a parachute on a commercial airliner? So in case of it plummeting to the Earth, you want to jump out while its traveling in excess of a thousand km/h in an altitude with probably no breathable air with no sky diving experience? Well, if you managed to survive that you'd most likely have a nice safe landing in the middle of the ocean. I'm sure that's exactly where I want to be if my plane goes down

    [/ QUOTE ] There are so many reasons why you aren't allowed to take a parachute with you on a commercial flight. First it doesn't make you safer, it actually is a death sentence. It's more like a boat anchor then it is a life line.

    It's good when the squirely guy doesn't sit next to the emergency door. If before take off you see him testing the time it takes him to get to the handle, help him find another seat, like back in the terminal. Also at that speed you won't be able to get the door open let alone make it to the door unless you're sitting right by it.

    If you did manage to make it to the door (your flight is stable and the pilots are still in control), and you did get it open, you would unpressurized the plane causing more problems, like sucking out non parachute/seatbelt wearing passengers and objects. There wouldn't be an orderly line like you see in sky diving videos, everyone gets sucked out in one big ball of hurdling meat, faster than you can squeeze cheese from a can.

    The planes are not designed to sky dive from, while being sucked out you'll have to navigate several dangerous big metal objects in under a second. Not to mention introduce a new aerodynamic the pilots are not used to dealing with, your ass going splat onto the tail section and a big inflatable slide that deploys... Even if you make it out you'll pass out, and go splat with an unopened parachute. Or if you're lucky and your secondary chute deploys you're still out cold and can't navigate the objects that would make a seasoned sky diver weak in the knees if you're over anything but a big field. Thanks for dooming yourself and everyone else on the plane because you're a squirely nut job =P

    If a parachute was a good idea, your seat cushion wouldn't be a flotation device and instead of a 2min intro to using your seatbelt it would be a basics of sky diving.

    Has playing BioShock and watching Lost taught you nothing? =P Besides when you survive your plane crash you can look forward to wearing womens cloths to stay warn, burning money to stay warm, and eating for fellow passengers... On second thought, pass the parachute =D
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    smurf - 13 hours to go:o
    If my plane crashes I am going to write thew words 'I told you so'on the plane somewhere before hitting the ground or the words 'agghhieeeeee'
    hope i don't get sucked out of the toilet BTW.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Smirnoffka, you flying yet? I seem to recall there being a medical reason that you wouldn't be able to fly for a bit. (Car accident or something?)
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    I like flying and I'm off to Turkey in two week.

    Just as a note to this thread I thought I'd leave you some images from Leeds and Bradford Airport taken by my dad (he pushes planes back for a living)

    These images are 100% genuine and the pilot(s) had no idea, my dad saw them and let the pilot know.



  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    cheers for that ha ha
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    Meh, doing a bit of flying when I can, but not back on course yet. Still doing the worlds most useless degree... That photo was taken only a week ago.

    To Ruz.

    If you are travelling on a good, creditable airline, than you have nothing to worry about. I would not travel one of the dodgier airlines if I could avoid it. Anyway, flying is just one of those things, you either like it, hate it, or deal with it. I don't think you will be too bad, you seem like a smart guy. Just strap in tight for landing and take off, hold on to the seat rests tight and close your eyes, you will be right.

    Happy flying laugh.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    cheers Smirnoffka . Ill be ok - just pre flight nerves. leaving for gatwick in about 40 mins.

    4 hour flight( at 7am) , 2 hour bus trip. get there about 1 in the afternoon, bit later.

    see yerz whe i see yurz:)
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I need to travel enough said...and listening to plane engines' the best.
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