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WIP, Heavy Powered Armor


I'm another newbie, directed here to improve my modeling and develop a nice thick skin for critiques.

I'm currently part of a small college group, learning how to do game models. Right now I'm working on a heavy armor character. He's supposed to be an assault/tank/heavy hitter class.

This was the concept art I was given:


This is where I've gotten my model to. Currently 1,568 of tris. (There's some separate pieces in there, too: the battle kilt and mini-jet pack, specifically.)





As you can see, it still has a long, long way to go. Critiques are greatly appreciated, so lay it on thick!

((Sorry, I'm rusty on linking images as actual pictures and not HTML. The UBB [image] code doesn't seem to be doing what I thought. Or is it just that photobucket not the best place to host pictures?))


  • jgarland
    In order to link your images properly, you'll need to use [IMAGE] tags, instead of . You also need to ensure that you're linkingdirectly to the images, instead of the pages that they're displayed on.

    Your modeling looks good so far. The silhouette looks interesting, which is about all you can hope for in low-polygon models such as this. Your texturing skills are what will make or break this piece, in the end, so once you feel that you've conveyed the overall feel of the character's geometry, don't be afraid to jump in.
  • Ziodyne
    Thanks! Both for the right tags, and the texturing advice. I do want to work on my texturing as well, by practicing on this model.
  • Ziodyne
    Woo! It's texture time!
    I was hoping to get the armor looking icy and snow covered, since the setting is in Antartica. Still feels like it's missing a lot, though.

  • Japhir
    Offline / Send Message
    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    i like it a lot! i'd add a bit more color variation and find a way to sell the ice feel a bit more.
    keep it up!
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