What do you guys recommend for managing web bookmarks these days?
I've been using
http://www.mybookmarks.com, but it gets so damn slow when I have a large tree open. Adding bookmarks is a slow multi-step process.
I'd prefer a private set of bookmarks. Nothing really sensitive in there, but there are some NDA links that should be less than fully open to the public.
i've just been dumping urls into a wiki page i named "LinksLinks" and title them accordingly so i can organize them later if i was so inclined.
it has taken me a while to flesh my wiki out, but i've been using mine for about 2 years now and it's become a very handy resource for me to store all kinds of random info bits. for example, it's really helping out with my move with giving me easy access to my schedules and checklists, etc.
if you sign up there and have the google toolbar, all your bookmarks will follow you around. I set up my page to also have a ton of rss feeds, that I can browse on any computer im at.
You get your bookmarks stored online (duh)
You can add descriptions and tags
You can set your bookmarks to be shared
It can publish your daily bookmarks to a website
You can submit your bookmark to specific people or groups - so I think "This is great, Warren might like this".
And the biggie...
....you can search other peoples bookmarks - why do this? I bookmarked that Quaternion skinning link. I saw that it had been bookmarked using the same tags by several other people. I then browsed their other bookmarks, and found a host of other related topics. It's almost like a recommendations system - if you like that, you'll like this.