Ok I figured alot of people are gonna be playing halo 3 for a while, so I figured since its 4 player co-op maybe some of us poly count guys should form up and create parties so we can zip through the game?
whos in?
Post you XBL Tag and your time zone so we can all get in on the same time
Florida, eastern time
Gamertag : RageUnleashed
Timezone: PST
gt: oobersli
tz: george bush time
Gh0stFac3Killa4 (ZERO not O)
Eastern Standard Time..
GT: sc00t420
I'll be playing the campaign several times through coop.
I see a few of you bastards have the game early >:E
Saw a few "playing Halo3" last night. hehe
PST: jeffro
gamertag: Penzer
Trying for a secret midnight launch tonight, if that doesn't go through it will probably take like 3 weeks to get it :P
GT: leesauce