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Mythic Warrior

Started a new model yesterday. The concept is from Warhammer online. I think I'm ready for unwrapping the u.v.'s. Im trying to keep under 2500 tris and hes currently sitting at 2476, so i have a few tris to add in if necessary. Does anyone see anything to improve on before i go to unwrap it?
Concept art : http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/conceptArt/0607_CAt_53.jpg
Im trying to put together a strong portfolio to try and land an internship this summer and I'm hoping i could make it into mythic, do you think its more impressive if i painted all my own textures or if i sourced some textures from the concept. I'm guessing my portfolio should have a mixture of both.


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    definately paint them all , sourcing textures from concepts is lame imo.
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Agreed with Johny,take the time to paint a proper map, it will help to show that you can(and it's an important skillset to show, esp for a company like Mythic). Hopefully someone more up on the character side of things will come by to crit your model. Good luck.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    [ QUOTE ]

    Concept art : http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/conceptArt/0607_CAt_53.jpg

    [/ QUOTE ] I think that the silhouette looks alright but some of the meshflow confuses me. Mainly how his midsection or elbows bend. Also check this out. My Warhammer thread. I have some good crits on texturing that you could also listen to. I used concept art as a reference but never as a cut and paste in photoshop. Using art as a reference is good practice, but not cut and paste if that's what you meant. While something I understood that advice given to me was from Mythic employees.
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Nice model
    but smile.gif...
    ...the shoulders needs to be bigger, looks kinda detached right now. The upper chest should be bigger, put the concept in the back and set the material to transparency that helps a lot. If you want to make him animate able you should make more loops in the hips/legs area. The hands looking strange, try to put the fingers more close to each other, the outer small finger seams out of place now. The kneecaps are bit too low. You could save some polys of the lower arms and the foots, because the dont do much.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    In addition to the meshflow problems mentioned, his armpits are VERY high up. Drop the armpit and redo the shoulder area in general. It's not very animation-friendly at the moment. There was a good thread on shoulder setup here if you want some pictures to guide you.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Seconding cheese, this will look worlds better if you fix the elbow. Also, I'd think sourcing from the concept would only demonstrate an inability to paint, and probably won't help you land a job. Texture your own stuff. smile.gif
  • ryuju
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    I worked on the shoulder, made the chest bigger, pulled the fingers closer together, raised the knee slightly. Thanks for all the help everyone. Suppore, im guessing you meant shoulder when you said elbow but i could be wrong, should i change any of the geometry at the elbow? Also could anyone tell me some specifics of where the meshflow is having problems. Do you think the shoulder is made right now or should i try again?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    Suppore, im guessing you meant shoulder when you said elbow but i could be wrong, should i change any of the geometry at the elbow?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Meant armpit, sorry. frown.gif
  • ryuju
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    heres a texture wip
    any crits, i know its still pretty early.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    can i advise looking at some of the miniatures that concept was based on?
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    Im not trying tosound rude but it that suppose to be a leather or a shiney armor metal?

    If its armor metal, looks to painted on, if its leather........it looks to painted on, also can you please post a side view of the hand/sleeve thing to et a better idea?

    The sleeve thing looks good but I cant say 100 % since I cant see whats on the side of it, wrinkes in it look nice
  • ryuju
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    seforin, Its supposed to be shiney armor metal. I know that it looks painted on right now Im not completely done with it yet, i still need to blend the colors better and maybe add some highlights. Heres a shot of the sleeve as you requested. The very top wrinkles are not complete yet.
  • ryuju
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    heres an update, still working on the textures. What do you think?
  • Vorge
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    Vorge polycounter lvl 18
    I think your model would improve if you went back and revisited the base model. You have some anatomy issues there. I did a quick paint over to show you what I mean. As of right now your character is really stretched and scrunched.

    Its always good to make sure your base is as close to perfect as you're happy with before you move on to texturing because I find it a bitch to go back and change things. Heres a little piccy of what I mean.

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
  • ryuju
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    thanks vorge and gir, i will try and go back and fix him the best i can , it is gonna be hard with the uv's, thanks so much for the paint over. How do you guys think the texture is coming along? I dropped the shoulders and rotated them downward a bit and fixed some of the leg problems. Did i miss anything? I havent even looked at my my checker map yet, i think i have a long road ahead of me.
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