I have not used Max 7 skin in some time and noticed that it seems to be missing the weight tool. In the weight tool you can grow and shrink your selection of verts. I'm wondering of an easy way to select vertices that are on top of each other in Max 7 so I can assign it to the correct bone. In my case I'm rigging a tank which is easy as long as you are able select the correct verts. My verts overlap where the gun barrel enter the turret and I can't seem to select the correct one and it's a little difficult to select the verts where the turret of tank rest on the chassis. I tried and see if I selected the verts in epoly and went up the stack to skin to see if they kept the selection but it doesn't. I remember when I used to use physique in Max 3 it let you more or less get around this issue, but with skin in Max 7 I seem to be at a loss of ideas. I was going to detach each element and add a skin modifier to it and save it's weights then re attach each element and hope that would load the saved weights but I was hoping there was a more efficient way of doing this. Thanks.
here is an example of what I mean

Wait a minute, Max 9 does have select by element...
Impressive, most impressive, a tiny tick box but it's there.