Reimporting then the brush cursor alignment /assuming the pivot is off/ no longer centered to the model. (don't know how to adjust the pivot in Zbrush) I use the x option to create a symertical standard brush stroke here or there and it doesn't work like it should the left side is off and doesn't retain any stroke details that the right has.
Is there an option or way that I can cut one side and clone over the other? The model is 1.4million and has probs being imported to max, though an earlier version with the same traingle count was imported no problems.
Edit: the resym/symmerty options don't work on the mode also =/ oddly enough.
Gotta make it a habit to save a .ztl I thought when you go to close the app that it would automatically save the required format to continue working though zbrush has multipule saving formats it seems... eh my mistake I know now & learned the hardway.
Though, I did export pieces of the design and managed to export a normalmap in doing so just had to put them all together after words which wasn't too much of a hassle.
Thanx again for the assistance.
Godamnit lol your full of knowledge mopius how much to know what you know
This is very useful at least I know now, uhg I have much to learn being an apprentice...
Thanx again mates for your assistance.