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ZBrush 3 - Importing UVed model into current tool

polycounter lvl 17
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fogmann polycounter lvl 17
In ZBrush 2 I often used to work on high poly, then decide I want to bake normal map onto lowest level - it had no UVs, so then I was able to export it, do the UVs in Maya, and import the model back into the current tool at lowest subd level, and I had UVs, ready to bake in ZMapper or wherever.

But with ZBrush 3 I've been having lots of trouble doing this. I would do the same procedure, and import the obj of the model with UVs done in Maya, but then when I move to the higher subD levels, something would get seriously messed up and the mesh would explode, as if vertices would randomly move around the model. Then, if I go back to the lowest level, it would look like vertex explosion made some mess there too - e.g. it had some degree of the effect that was present at highest level and wouldn't look the same as the original lowest level, or the one just imported with UVs laid out.

I did this test with the simple primitive sphere converted to PolyMesh, and although the verts didn't explode like they did with a head model, there were some messed up verts around the poles that weren't originally there. I swear I didn't touch geometry in Maya, only UVs. frown.gif

Has anyone encountered this before? Any thoughts?


  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19

    some solutions there.

    one of the things that I have to constantly do is import the UV'd mesh to the star tool and then export it before reimporting to the sculpted mesh - not too sure why that works
  • SuperOstrich
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    SuperOstrich polycounter lvl 17
    This happens if you try to import even the exact same mesh into the lowest SubD level. If you upgrade your ZB3 to ZB3.1, the problem is fixed.
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    I seem to get a couple variations of this problemo even in 3.1
  • fogmann
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    fogmann polycounter lvl 17
    Awesome, thanks!
    I'll have to try that solution. The problem was occurring with 3.1 for me, so I don't think it's fixed with the upgrade.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    It's a Maya problem, and always has been. It loves to muck up vetex order on import.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    well it does the same thing in max. This really annoyed me too fogmann.
    whats the old expression, if it aint broke, don't fix it
  • SuperOstrich
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    SuperOstrich polycounter lvl 17
    I was getting the exploding vertices when importing after subdivision from Max obj's right up until the day I upgraded to ZBrush 3.1. I haven't had it happen since. Sounds like Maya obj's have more issues than Max's.
  • fogmann
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    fogmann polycounter lvl 17
    Yay, the solution posted on ZBCentral worked like a charm! The poor head didn't explode this time, I'm so happy.

    It seems to me that ZB3 has introduced some strange default export options that weren't set like that in ZB2, such as flipped axis. But then if it's not a problem with Max, and it worked with ZB2 and Maya 7, then maybe culprit settings were introduced with Maya 8 and/or above - who knows.
  • airbrush
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    airbrush polycounter lvl 13
    You can use projection in Zmapper to do your bake, this way you don't need a model that is the same vert count etc. You can bake onto any mesh you want. I have a video tutorial on this, need to update my website though... :s
  • fogmann
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    fogmann polycounter lvl 17
    Indeed, I used to do that with ZB2 and Zmapper, but from what I remember, it used to bake the normal map onto the lowest level first, thus requiring the sculpting mesh to be UVed, and then transfer that map onto the different mesh. Is this not the case anymore with ZMapper in ZB3.1 and it lets you bake to different mesh right away? That would be sweet. Also, was wondering if it is now possible to transfer cavity map in the same fashion.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah you can bake to a different mesh straight away with ZMapper in ZB 3.1, just go to ZMapper with your high-res mesh selected and click "Capture current mesh" in the projection tab, then leave ZMapper, select the lowpoly mesh you want to bake to, and run ZMapper again, it should bake from the mesh you "captured" to the lowpoly you selected.

    A question of my own: Has anyone else been getting scaling issues with meshes with subtools? I export from ZBrush and everything comes fine into Max, but when I export from Max and bring the meshes back into ZB, they're about 5-6 times their original size, and sometimes offset a bit. It's really annoying since it makes it very hard to add custom modelled pieces to an existing tool/subtools.
    And yes before you ask, I've got all the export/import "scale" options set to 1.0 in Max and ZBrush. smile.gif

    Anyone else experienced this and solved it? A search of the ZBrushcentral forums reveals a lot of other people with similar problems but no obvious "fix" or consistent workflow that keeps scaling correct going from Max to Zbrush and back again. frown.gif

    Edit to update: I've just tried exporting one of my model's SubTools from ZBrush and immediately bringing it back in (using Import in the Tool rollout), and the scale is screwed even from there. It's evidently nothing Max is doing, it must be something ZBrush does on import, because changing the "Scale" value in ZBrush's Export rollout has no effect on the size it appears when re-imported.

    It's incredibly annoying because each sub-tool I've tried exporting and re-importing comes back in at a vastly different size and location to where it was exported from frown.gif

    I exported the body part, it came back in 5x smaller and twice as high up, exported the head part, it came back in 5x bigger and twice as far down, I exported an item of clothing and it came back about 10x the size and offset even more than the head... gah!

    I'm thinking this is something to do with relative sizes of subtools, but it's so dumb and doesn't make any sense. I hope someone else has already run into this and found a quick fix, because it's really killing me right now frown.gif
  • airbrush
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    airbrush polycounter lvl 13
    No, you dont need a uv'ed model in zmapper to do the projection method in Zbrush 2 or 3.
    Hopefully I'll have a chance this week to update my website a bit with a link on my video tutorial on how to do this...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Indeed, I used to do that with ZB2 and Zmapper, but from what I remember, it used to bake the normal map onto the lowest level first, thus requiring the sculpting mesh to be UVed, and then transfer that map onto the different mesh. Is this not the case anymore with ZMapper in ZB3.1 and it lets you bake to different mesh right away? That would be sweet. Also, was wondering if it is now possible to transfer cavity map in the same fashion.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm, I think I've found the solution to my issue - it looks like ZBrush automatically does a "Unify" command (basically scales the mesh to fit it's little preview window) whenever you import a mesh, which seems really silly, I hope there's a workaround, or they fix it soon.
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    "Hmm, I think I've found the solution to my issue - it looks like ZBrush automatically does a "Unify" command (basically scales the mesh to fit it's little preview window) whenever you import a mesh, which seems really silly, I hope there's a workaround, or they fix it soon. "

    excuse the bump, but this is really fucking me over. Was there a solution, or did you just find the source? I get scale issues with exports as well, so its not just zbrush scaling the mesh on import.

    It's a huge bitch when exporting low res meshes from max and high res meshes from Z to bake in xnormal. I end up having to export a mid res mesh from zbrush to scale the low res to, but the high res comes out at a totally different scale to the mid res. WTF
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, it's still screwing me over. Haven't found a fix for it yet, I believe it was acknowledged as an issue on the ZBrush forums but they haven't said if they're fixing it or anything yet. Gah!
  • Khanongsouk
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    Khanongsouk polycounter lvl 18
    RE - Mop
    i think it is a max import/export issue. when using maya the only offset issue i've encountered is positioning offset when you import a mesh to be the new retopolized mesh. to fix that you have to append it to target high poly mesh, so it aligns to it, then clone it and use that instead.
    maybe this might help http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?t=184791
    it's a odd fix to to the exploding mesh but you never know
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Nah, the issue I am referring to is definitely a ZBrush one - I'm not importing a mesh to re-UVed at the base level, just trying to import a mesh to a new tool that matches in scale.
    At the moment if I have a ZTool and Export that as OBJ, then immediately Import it into ZBrush (without touching any other apps) the scale is still different from the original ZTool.

    Thanks for the link though, looks like some good solutions in that thread.
  • Khanongsouk
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    Khanongsouk polycounter lvl 18
    thats very strange. even if export one of the ztool that came with zbrush to an obj than reimport the scaling is the same

    try this to open your obj file
    it's an old macro that was deleted when i upgraded to 3.1 but dug out of a backup file. it opens everything as a separate tool so just append it to the original tool and check the scaling
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm I will try that when I get home. The issue I have is when a mesh is created out of ZSpheres -> Adaptive skin, then exported. Then the scale goes wrong.

    Here's a quick test you can try, see if you get the same issue:
    1. Make a simple zsphere setup (ie. a head/bust with 5-10 zspheres).
    2. Convert to Adaptive Skin, select that as your tool.
    3. Sculpt it a bit if you want, then export to .OBJ
    4. Import the .OBJ you just exported.

    It is at this stage you may find that the OBJ you imported is a different size/offset to the mesh you just created.

    This happens if you use the Import button from the top of the Tool palette, or from the "Import" rollout at the bottom of the Tool palette.
  • Khanongsouk
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    Khanongsouk polycounter lvl 18
    agh zsphere i see what you mean.

    here's what i came up. morph targets.

    -export your newly made adaptive skin
    -go to the morph target sub palette
    -DelMat then StoreMt
    -import your exported adaptive skin
    -press switch under morph target and it should morph back down to size
    -export then import and it should have retain it's size an position.

    hope it works for you
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