Hey guys, I'm looking for a way to get the vertex alpha information in my meshes to show up when I do a render of them in 3DS Max.
The information is displayed correctly in the engine I'm using at work, but getting it to appear in a standard Max render is proving a problem. I've tried a few methods with no luck, mainly consisting of loading a 'Vertex Colour' map into the 'Opacity' slot of my 'Material Editor'.
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Material Editor > Opacity channel > Vertex Color map.
Should do it. You lose your vertex color temporarily, but you can just kill the UVW Mapping Paste modifier to get it back.
If you want to keep your existing vertex color, then paste -2:Alpha into another unused UV channel and set the Vertex Color map to use that channel.
I think there's also a plugin somewhere that lets you map vert alpha, can't recall.