So last week me and and the gal went 'ring shopping' and afterwards asked me why we hadn't gotten engaged yet. I said I hadn't thought she was ready and said I didn't think we would be engaged till years end. In reality we had been talking about it a ton and have been planning it. She got super pissed and has been mad at me all week. 3 weeks prior I bought her a ring and have had this planned since early spring.
This weekend we go to her hometown for the town festival. Saturday night as we are on our way out to the bar I tell Elena to hold on for a minute because "we need to talk" and I said it in a super serious voice. She kept getting txt messages non-stop so I had to wait till she could talk to me.
I say "how long have we been dating?"
"I dunno like a year and a half?"
"I have something really important to ask you"
"Do you want a gum-ball?"

Months prior I bought a gum-ball machine and had it set outside right before we started out for the bar. We walk over and I put in a quarter and turn knob and... nothing.
Put in another quarter and out pops the bubble with the ring in it.
"Will you marry me?"
"Are you serious? Are You Serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS? OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD"
So there you have the SHORT version!
And the happy couple!

(*writes down idea for future uses)
Does this mean me and craig have to stop having sex?
Does this mean me and craig have to stop having sex?
[/ QUOTE ]
i won't tell if you won't tell
Now for the second "fun" part, the planning the wedding. Well it CAN be fun, just always think very small then as you get closer you can add more.
great story too!
oh, and I was wearing that shirt the other day... wonder if it was the same day you proposed...
Grats you two
those are the kind of moments that last for ever. very nice
Congrats, dude. To the both of you. A cheers to many happy days ahead.
Congrats Craig - and she isn't even preggars! (I'm assuming)
i'm sure that Wario would call that a "SMOOTH MOVE"
that is creepy.
That is the sweetest engagement story I have ever heard in real life..
Congrats Craig - and she isn't even preggars! (I'm assuming)
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("Just friends" indeed - I always knew it was a LIE!)
("Just friends" indeed - I always knew it was a LIE!)
[/ QUOTE ]
hah, reminds me of another couple I know from polycount...
Congrats & good luck, I have to LMAO at do you want a gum ball.
[/ QUOTE ]
Knowing Craig I'm amazed he didn't hide it in a pizza.
Congrats you two!
Congrats you two... where's the pic of the ring?
Women need to learn patience
Congrats you two... where's the pic of the ring?
[/ QUOTE ]
Waterloo Iowa
congrats though guys, very cool proposal, i'm trying to come up with something equally awsome, although topping that is gonna be hard!
are you gonna invite everyone from PC to the after party? :P