You can get hydrogen from water with a battery and two wires, and we already have high-efficiency methods of doing it-- the problem being that the hydrogen ends up being energy storage, rather than production, it's not clean energy if you're burning fossil fuels to make the elecricity needed to break the bonds. This is certainly interesting news, but no mentions of how efficient it is, which is the real question.
Well hopefully this isn't the last we hear about this. It would great to know how efficient it is, what kind of exhaust it creates (if any).
I guess they need to experiment with it some more seeing as it was an accidental discovery.
Thanks for that Jesse.
the "exhaust" that the combustion of this Hydrogen would most likely create is simply water vapor, as well as radio frequencies.
Edit: Whats left over is the problem here. Those of you who have taken a bit of chemistry in your lives should realize that the extra oxygen has to go somewhere, most likely creating vast amounts of H2O2, Hydrogen Peroxide, aka Bleach, that you'd have to rid your tank of before you can fill it again.
You do know that it is very possible to ignite the entire atmosphere of the earth right? Especially now they can push hydrogen out of salt water, and it's not exactly like creating radio waves is hard.
I hate people, they shouldn't be in charge of this shit. Wish we were run by robotic overlord or something that would protect us from destroying the whole fookin planet. Bah I need to stop posting right after I wake up.
same here jesse, but lets face it, the guy that invented the water moved car was assassinated, i dont want to start conspiracy theories, but i mean , the economy would fall if there was another fuel that could move cars and machines that is as abundant as water ehehe..
same here jesse, but lets face it, the guy that invented the water moved car was assassinated, i dont want to start conspiracy theories, but i mean , the economy would fall if there was another fuel that could move cars and machines that is as abundant as water ehehe..
[/ QUOTE ]
Really, the economy will fall within our lifetime if we DON'T start implimenting something better than oil.
I hate people, they shouldn't be in charge of this shit. Wish we were run by robotic overlord or something that would protect us from destroying the whole fookin planet. Bah I need to stop posting right after I wake up.
[/ QUOTE ]
I seriously doubt we'd ever be able to destroy the entire planet, even if we tried... maybe ourselves (and we might take a few species with us), but the planet will still be here, and it would probably take only a couple millennia for things to return to normal (which is barely a millisecond in geological time). It would be as if we were never even here. So if you really hate people, then I guess it's a problem that solves itself .
I guess they need to experiment with it some more seeing as it was an accidental discovery.
Thanks for that Jesse.
2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O + heat
the "exhaust" that the combustion of this Hydrogen would most likely create is simply water vapor, as well as radio frequencies.
Edit: Whats left over is the problem here. Those of you who have taken a bit of chemistry in your lives should realize that the extra oxygen has to go somewhere, most likely creating vast amounts of H2O2, Hydrogen Peroxide, aka Bleach, that you'd have to rid your tank of before you can fill it again.
:::crosses fingers that some stupid scientist doesn't set the ocean on fire:::
[/ QUOTE ]
That will be the next homeland security warning. Don't go swimming or live near the ocean the terrorists will set it ablaze.
I hate people, they shouldn't be in charge of this shit. Wish we were run by robotic overlord or something that would protect us from destroying the whole fookin planet. Bah I need to stop posting right after I wake up.
We gotta stop it. Destroy all radio shacks and electronic boutiques that sell and make radio equipment. I beg you. This is for our security...
haha Please I just hope that this research actually does some good and some oil company doesn't just move to have it stopped.
same here jesse, but lets face it, the guy that invented the water moved car was assassinated, i dont want to start conspiracy theories, but i mean , the economy would fall if there was another fuel that could move cars and machines that is as abundant as water ehehe..
[/ QUOTE ]
Really, the economy will fall within our lifetime if we DON'T start implimenting something better than oil.
Ha I figured how the earth will end and bring the end of days. Some asshat will make a huge radio transmitter and begin the onslaught.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yani & Kenny G music seems to be the most effective thing to broadcast at salt water in order to set it on fire.
I hate people, they shouldn't be in charge of this shit. Wish we were run by robotic overlord or something that would protect us from destroying the whole fookin planet. Bah I need to stop posting right after I wake up.
[/ QUOTE ]
I seriously doubt we'd ever be able to destroy the entire planet, even if we tried... maybe ourselves (and we might take a few species with us), but the planet will still be here, and it would probably take only a couple millennia for things to return to normal (which is barely a millisecond in geological time). It would be as if we were never even here. So if you really hate people, then I guess it's a problem that solves itself