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I want to cry right now

polycounter lvl 18
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DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
I'm so frigg'n stoked right now

For the passed seven years it's been my dream to go into the gaming industry, and go to college for it as my major. I've had no funds set aside for college from my parents so I'm basically paying for everything myself. I've been blessed with having a 75% (now 100% at my community college) paid scholarship through Florida's Bright Futures program (thank you for buying lotto tickets laugh.gif). I've been so nervous about finding a university that has my degree program (let alone a good one) and there was no way I would be able to leave home and do it (couldn't afford it).

Today I met with an advisory and finalized my graduation for my AA and I'm going to a UCF day tomorrow (which as long as I have everything they asked for I'm guaranteed admission). He also printed out two leads of a bachelor's degree program I could go into for my major (Which I was afraid UCF didn't have anything for a BA/BFA). One of which, being the animation track, requires a portfolio of animation, which I don't have since I don't know how to animate. The latter, Digital Media, is basically everything I could want in a BA program (focusing on modeling animation and game design in general). So I have finally found a place to go for my major. I can't even express in this message how excited I am for that, and not only that, but through this I'll be able to go to Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy for my masters in Game Design if I get accepted!


Sooooo much stress is off my shoulders. I just have to finish this semester out and I'm DONE with BS General education courses, and can start work on my major

ASDFAWRAWCTRSVRFSCTSATVSTASVGASTSA TRVAS I'm so frigg'n happy right now laugh.gif...I really can't express how happy I am...

yea...I just wanted to share this with everyone

Hopefully, in time, I'll be ranked up in this forum with poop and sean mcbride and pior and all those other great artists (those were just the ones I thought of off the top of my head, no offense to those i didn't name!) that we have on our forum smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


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