Beat this last nite, playing thru it again. some parts were a bit repetitive, but over all great fun game. realy fun destructable enviroments, one of the best shooters i've played on console as far as the controls go.
Hard boiled was one of my favorite movies of all times, and i feel this kept that feeling. (even tho there was no bullet time in hard boiled and its the main focus of this game)
Hollowmind - It plays similar to max payne. Only now you can interact with the environment in various way (swing on chandeliers). And don't worry PC version is on the way.
all over the game theres cool things like stair rails to slide down and run up, and dinner carts to roll across the room on while shooting people. but you mention chandeliers, i only saw one of them in the game and it was part of the level layout, you had to swing to get to the next part of the level. would have been nice to see them more used.. cause they were fun!
Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out . linkage
Looks like a fun game. Excited to check it out.
There are chandeliers in the teahouse, mega, penthouse, and some of the dinos in the museum have the same effect.
But it is really only 7 hours of play?