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Big Daddy WIP

Hey there, poly members. Figured I would toss in my model and check to see if I can get any crits smile.gif

The model isn't finished yet, but I was looking for some crits on or suggestions on the model. The head isn't finished yet. Would like to just bite some bugs now before I combine the mirror model. The model is at 5000 polys.

Thanks in advance.



  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Your model appears to be looking alright, shape wise, But you have wasted a ton of polys...Also this is boring subject matter, bluntly...in my opinion at least, unless you are putting him in Unreal or another engine, come up with a character that hasn't been done before. Unless you can make a better version than 2k did.(not that it was spectacular)

    Sorry if that was discouraging, If you just want practice, then I guess anything is good.
  • Brahyt
    Nah, not discouraging smile.gif ... Yeah this is more for the hell of doing so then for anything else... Just practice. Where would you pull polys from to free them up?
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    the way I was taught in school is each poly has a purpose. It's either going to contribute to the shape of the silhouette or it's going to be beneficial to the animation deformations.

    That being said I can see some purpose the horizontal flow of line but there are way too many vertical lines. Aldo, have you tried to download the art book from 2K's website? I think you're missing some basic shapes on this guy mainly the shoulders and head area.
  • Piotr Słomowicz
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    Piotr Słomowicz polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, mainly too many vertical lines that don't do much. Especially on the side of his body goind down the legs.

    I can't comment on proportions because I didn't play Bioshock, not my thing smile.gif.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Big Daddy only has 1 drill hand.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Huge improvement from what you initially posted on the 'SWAYWO?' thread. But like most of the people have said, quite a few too many edge loops in places that can be optimized.
    Definitely only 1 drill, but I'm assuming you've got symmetry on the model for now and will end up fixing it once you've got the rest of the model sorted.
    Keep at it!

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    the way I was taught in school is each poly has a purpose. It's either going to contribute to the shape of the silhouette or it's going to be beneficial to the animation deformations.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or shading, or UVs, or anything, really. Silhouette/animation is a bit of an excessive simplification.
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