I just bought a geforce 8800GTS and the requirements say that it needs a 400 watt power supply with a minimum of 26 amps on the +12 volt rail.
Now, since they dont really even make PSU's (as far as I know) that have a single 12V plug with 26 amps, I assume they mean the amount of amps across all of the 12V plugs.
I have two power supplies, one I've been using for a couple years, and one is new that came with a case I just bought.
The old one is 420 watts and has two 12V plugs at 15 and 14 amps. I think that means that it's good enough to run the video card.
The new PSU is 450 watts, but only has a single 12V plug, however its 21 amps.
It seems that I'd want a plug closer to the ampage that they want, the 21 amp one, but as a total number of amps in the 12 volt rail, it doesn't meet the requirement of 26. The other one is a bit older, (but a good brand and works great).
Which one should I use. Or do you guys think they're both too shitty and that I need to throw down 150 bucks on a new power supply.
help plz

That will more than cover your minimum, it's 40A on the 12V rail.