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NwN influenced Char

Concepting, wire, normal and texture. Wip.

Crits are welcome.



  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    inspired by aribeth?

    it looks cool but i think your diffuse is quite bland, nothing really stands out at all.

    my only other real criticism is directed at the design vs the naming. if it's a scout, she's wearing far too heavy armour, scouts are usually branched off from the ranger class, and are most likely only going to wear leather armour/tunics. not half plate, like your character is wearing, which would be more suited to a fighter class character.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Where do you see heavy armor gir? I see light leather with some shoulder/breast and knee pads. In fact in teh concept the only thing thats shown as plate or metal is the shoulders and knees. Rest is just stripped leather no?

    It's really not easy to crit the thing, the shots are from too far away, and the lighting is pretty bad. Looks fairly close to a NWN2 character though.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    clearly was inspired by this pic:

    half plate armour it is wink.gif
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    as a scout she needs a shirt, some pants, and a decent pair of boots. and probably decent hooded cloak to protect against the rain. right now nothing really says 'scout'.

    and better lighting. well lit from all sides and on a neutral background. moody single point lighting of dark textures on a black background doesn't help us see the model.
  • Asthane
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    Asthane polycounter lvl 18
    Fits as a scout in a DnD setting just fine to me, but in case of emergency, just say it's from Exalted instead-- no one cares if you have a Buff Jacket with the appearance of Superheavy Plate THERE tongue.gif (Exalted rule #1, awesome is more important than the rules laugh.gif)

    Definitely needs better lighting to be judged though
  • Brenden Frank
    Thanks for the posts, I put scout because I liked the minimalistic armor with tight wraps. Honestly I could care less about the name it was more geared as an inspired character anyways. I agree on the diffuse being bland though, I think theres somethings I definatly need to make stand out more and possibly add a few more details, like the middle piece of the skirt. But yeah, It's a wip. Lighting is a 3 point lighting with a bottom up higher intensity source. Ambient occlusion and a camtull-rom filter. Any better suggestions?

    Edit: I noticed my monitor brightness was on max >.< Someone messed with my settings. I hate it when that happens because I see completely differently from everyone else. I was like what the hell? It doesn't seem to dark to me! hahaha
  • Brenden Frank
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    "Influenced" huh? More like copied and flipped. At least give credit man.

    The topology seems decent, the mesh is too boxy for an organic model, but then again its a very zoomed out view. Give us a nice large beauty shot and post the texture, as that is probably the part in most need of crit. Very flat. The proportions are odd as well, pair it up to a nwn mesh if you have the tools for it.

    Ao wont get you much on this model. In fact the reason it's so flat is because you probably just baked the AO and painted flat over it am I correct? The high res was flat and boxy to begin with AO shines the best with crevice details.
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