Who in their right minds greenlit a live-action rendition of DragonBall Z? It's supposed to be a freaking comedy, for crying out loud! It has one of the most ridiculous and convoluted premises ever conceived. Who pitched this idea to Twentieth Century Fox and why?! And a $100 million dollar budget? Sure, it's a popular and established franchise...but live-action?
I am stunned by this announcement. And I am supremely unconvinced of 20th Century Fox's ability to pull this off.
On the other hand, we will get a chance to speculate on the casting. That should be fun.
Wasn't this in the early stages years and years ago?
Either way I have to disagree with the everyone and say that DBZ could make a balls-awesome movie. Lets examine the facts:
-More action than you could shake two sticks at
-Chock full of thinly veiled bare chested screaming homosexuality reminiscent of the 80s action glory days
-Plasma coming out of people's hands
-Plasma coming out of people's mouths
-Plasma coming out of people's eyes
-1 word: Giantfuckingmonkey
-Everyone dies multiple times
-Sonic hair
-Aliens with girl voices
-Did I mention the plasma?
Yup, DBZ would make a tits movie. But of course we all know they'll manage to make a retarded knockoff that will probably end up having Goku and Krillin fighting off a zombie invasion in a gloomy industrial underground base, or some shit like that.
If the movie turns out to be a comedy, it could be awesome. But its more likely to be the movie industry raping another of my childhood memories. Not that I got into DBZ too heavily.
Who in their right minds greenlit a live-action rendition of DragonBall Z? It's supposed to be a freaking comedy, for crying out loud! It has one of the most ridiculous and convoluted premises ever conceived.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now, I'm not saying a DBZ live action is a good idea, but what? DBZ's premise is pretty simple. You want convolulated, look into the life and times of Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Askani'son Summers (and the rest of his family for good measure) In fact, considering how drawn out the anime is, I'd say it's less convolulated than would be expected of something of its running time (Which they made up for with more-than-normal increases in power)
So now instead of an anime, we're going to have a live action movie, produced by Fox, where in order to become more powerful, asians turn into WASPs. The world as we know it is ending...
If the people who make it are insane schizo risk taking billionaire martial arts enthusiast anime loving pill popping gun toting opium fiends, ...... then this could kick ass.
haha this could be funny. Yeah in my opinion DBZ is convoluted, theres no consequence to anything...they level up, they die, they come back ...rinse and repeat. :P
errr i like DBZ, used to watch alot when i was 13 and stuff, like 10 years ago.
ok. a dbz movie, i can live with dat, could be cool. to see all those moves in 3d. hgheh.
bounce, you sure that wasnt a live action Dragonball.. not Z, cause i own the live action Dragonball on dvd. and if this movie is as good as the one i own, then i'll be down for 2 tickets
I love DragonBall Z. I always have. I've been buying the new season DVD sets they've been putting out, and am very happy with them.
But let's just look at this objectively. How does the DragonBall Z series start? It starts with a guy who has really weird hair, with a son who is wearing a chinese outfit and has a tail. In short order, you are introduced to a villain who has hair six feet long, and an absolutely ridiculous outfit. Then its on to a bald midget with little shao-lin dots on his forehead and no nose. Then you meet a perverted old man who for no apparent reason lives on a miniature island with a talking turtle. And then of course, you see a tall green man with pink muscles, extremely large shoulder pads, a cape, a turban, and antennae. And for no explained reason, everyone seems to be able to fly at will.
This all happens in the first two episodes of DragonBall Z. I re-watched it recently. DragonBall Z is in-media-res. (or however its spelled) It starts in the middle of an ongoing story. There are 150 episodes of character and plot development before you get to DragonBall Z. And even with all the explanation that you get out of that, the premise is still wierd and bizarre. Perhaps convoluted isn't the right word. But you can't just kick a DragonBall Z movie off and expect the general audience to understand what's going on. They will be entirely justified in their confusion.
that's assuming in they include all that. most likely it will center on Goku and his family as their city is assualted by two unknown, supposedly alien martial artists looking for someone they call Kakorat.
Chozu, Tien, Piccolo, and the other useless guy will probably be lucky if they even make a cameo only to be killed when Vegeta and the other guy appear.
To be honest, I always hoped for a live action or a stylized 3D (ala Final Fantasy: Advent Children) film. As long as the film itself doesn't take itself too seriously and they translate the design of the characters well, I honestly think it could be a bad ass film. I'm not expecting much though.
The third matrix was pretty much live action DBZ. Hovering above the ground soliloquizing, flying at each other in a detonation of spherized power, fighting too fast for anyone else to see, etc etc.
I used to be really into DBZ. After the Z series, it got utterly stupid, though. Haven't watched it in about 3yrs now, but I do have the Budokai games - those are quite good.
Cant wait to find out who the cast. Nicolas Cage as Goku, someone do a paintover please
[N.C.]Testing lines:
HHaaAadDoO-ken... whoops wrong show?
I am speechless at this news.
Who in their right minds greenlit a live-action rendition of DragonBall Z? It's supposed to be a freaking comedy, for crying out loud! It has one of the most ridiculous and convoluted premises ever conceived. Who pitched this idea to Twentieth Century Fox and why?! And a $100 million dollar budget? Sure, it's a popular and established franchise...but live-action?
I am stunned by this announcement. And I am supremely unconvinced of 20th Century Fox's ability to pull this off.
On the other hand, we will get a chance to speculate on the casting. That should be fun.
Either way I have to disagree with the everyone and say that DBZ could make a balls-awesome movie. Lets examine the facts:
-More action than you could shake two sticks at
-Chock full of thinly veiled bare chested screaming homosexuality reminiscent of the 80s action glory days
-Plasma coming out of people's hands
-Plasma coming out of people's mouths
-Plasma coming out of people's eyes
-1 word: Giantfuckingmonkey
-Everyone dies multiple times
-Sonic hair
-Aliens with girl voices
-Did I mention the plasma?
Yup, DBZ would make a tits movie. But of course we all know they'll manage to make a retarded knockoff that will probably end up having Goku and Krillin fighting off a zombie invasion in a gloomy industrial underground base, or some shit like that.
Who in their right minds greenlit a live-action rendition of DragonBall Z? It's supposed to be a freaking comedy, for crying out loud! It has one of the most ridiculous and convoluted premises ever conceived.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now, I'm not saying a DBZ live action is a good idea, but what? DBZ's premise is pretty simple. You want convolulated, look into the life and times of Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Askani'son Summers (and the rest of his family for good measure)
holy shit was it weird.
I can only hope that the newly announced live action Robotech will be good.
ok. a dbz movie, i can live with dat, could be cool. to see all those moves in 3d. hgheh.
i mean. i prefer this to j-lo movies.
But let's just look at this objectively. How does the DragonBall Z series start? It starts with a guy who has really weird hair, with a son who is wearing a chinese outfit and has a tail. In short order, you are introduced to a villain who has hair six feet long, and an absolutely ridiculous outfit. Then its on to a bald midget with little shao-lin dots on his forehead and no nose. Then you meet a perverted old man who for no apparent reason lives on a miniature island with a talking turtle. And then of course, you see a tall green man with pink muscles, extremely large shoulder pads, a cape, a turban, and antennae. And for no explained reason, everyone seems to be able to fly at will.
This all happens in the first two episodes of DragonBall Z. I re-watched it recently. DragonBall Z is in-media-res. (or however its spelled) It starts in the middle of an ongoing story. There are 150 episodes of character and plot development before you get to DragonBall Z. And even with all the explanation that you get out of that, the premise is still wierd and bizarre. Perhaps convoluted isn't the right word. But you can't just kick a DragonBall Z movie off and expect the general audience to understand what's going on. They will be entirely justified in their confusion.
Chozu, Tien, Piccolo, and the other useless guy will probably be lucky if they even make a cameo only to be killed when Vegeta and the other guy appear.
The ps2 games are actually really good !
It'll be good as long as their power levels are OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAND!
[/ QUOTE ]
That calls for This!
I'd see another movie of that.
DBZ action could be absolutely awesome in live action, but they might cop out and slow everything down too much.
DBZ should be done in CG tbfh.
[/ QUOTE ]Lets change this statement to reflect the truth. It should read "DBZ shouldn't be done"
c'mon vig. all the models have already been made for them!
[/ QUOTE ]