I have now had to restart skinning for the third time. Its getting frustrating. Saving envelopes doesn't help, and Skin or Die doesn't seem to work. Maybe in part because of Multires, but also with earlier revisions of weighting without Multires, it errors out on loading saying epoly vertex out of range.
I need a plug in that saves the vertex weights not by id, but by position locally (since the model was replaced on the scene).
Looked through the Max script thread without luck other than Skin or Die.
To make clearer.
Start A: Realized forgot to recenter axis, and needed to move to center of viewport in the positive Z axis for engine. Lost days of work.
Start B: Realized somehow along the way ended up using the slice polygon tool which added a ton of extra polys. After correcting this had to reset the Multi-res tool (which when generated renumbers the vertices).
Current Restart...

It will save the skin data to a new mesh, which is the same as saving the weight of the vertices by position.
Gavku, how do I extract the skin data? I only see options to save the envelope weighting.
its pretty straight forward anyway.
Saving the .env file within the Skin modifier only saves the size and position of the envelopes. If you hit the little bake icon (looks like an oven) with all verts selected, you can then reload them.
When you load them again, remember to hit the Match by Name button on the dialogue box.