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Squigherder WIP

Hey there fellas, Ive been working on this guy for a while and now im down to the texture painting. i got to the cloth and i think i went kinda nuts on it with the folds, let me know what you all think. If you all have any tips on anything, especially the cloth part ill love you forever! Concept taken from EA Mythic's Warhammer Online and you can find it here




  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    This is looking pretty good, man. I'll wait to comment on the texture until you get a bit further along (it's looking good so far). You could go for some more modeled details around the belt area (it's a bit tubular torso right now), and the arm anatomy is a bit like sausage links, check some reference for arms.
  • Master_v12
    Another update smile.gif Got the base sorta done... Im going to Re-do the cloth part of his shirt cause i kinda went crazy with it for being the first time I paint it. waaay to many folds on that. Gotta do some definition on the right arm both texture and geometry wise. Gotta finish the head piece also and some color adjustments on some areas.

  • The Ben
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    The Ben polycounter lvl 18
    I think this shit looks hot so far.
  • Piotr Słomowicz
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    Piotr Słomowicz polycounter lvl 17
    Looking good man. His forearms are a little bit more massive on the concept.
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah looking really really nice man. Only crit would be the hood that is made out of a head., doesnt appear to be made from a real head. I didnt even notice it was supposed to be a head till I looked at the concept;.I think the teeth arent apparent enough, and the texture needs some specularish highlights on the gums, and just an overall more skin-like texture on the face part. Besides that small gripe, I think this guy has a one of the better diffuse textures I have seen.Grats.

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