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Please give me heads

I recently opened up a Unit Repository in an effort to improve the quality and exchange of modding for the Total War community I'm part of. One of the major things the community lacks, being composed mostly of untrained amateurs and hobbyists (having some of the lowest-spec art in mainstream PC gaming allows that), we lack skill-intensive stuff like character heads. I know most of you (especially those that have been in the industry for a while and done lots of diffuse-only work) have character head textures sitting on your HDD or portfolio that are no longer used... well I'm asking for your trash to help upgrade the art quality and customization of the mod community.

You would of course be fully attributed as per the Unit Repo requirements, and take care of all the formatting and uploading and organization... I can literally take it from your portfolio page with permission if you have them up (and many of you do). I and the entire community would be very appreciative of anything you can donate. Thanks a ton.


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