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Movie Scores Movie list?

polycounter lvl 17
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seforin polycounter lvl 17
Hey everyone right now Im on the search for a EPIC feeling piece of music for my demo reel, so ive been downloading movie scores to find that right piece of audio,

so far heres a list of movies I have er......downlo.....er.....bought ligitely with funds I have accumilated through a swiss bank account......... *shiftey eyes*

-Pirates of the caribean (all 3 albulms)
-Lord of the rings (All 3 albulms)
-Legend of zorrro
-samurai Shampoo OST 1-2
-Pans laybrinth
- Narniah, lion witch and wardrobe
-saving private ryan
-final fantasy spirits within
-t2 judgement day

So far listening through these lord of the rings and pirates have 2 songs I think that would sound good and EPIC enough for a demo reel background music.

If anyone has the pirates albulm look up "Barbosa is hungry" song to get the idea of the epic feel Im looking for.

other than that I really am still on the search for the most epic songs possible.

So anymovies you guys can think of please help me compile a list.

Im kinda outta ideas at this point confused.gif


  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I personally think epic movie music is a bit distracting and annoying plus most people don't use it well, I think your portfolio can do without it or go with some more casual music imo
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, something more like linkin park
  • Rob Galanakis
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    I put together a demo reel with all fantasy and medieval characters playing Bob Dylan's 115th Dream...

    Everyone uses epic music, I don't think it matters much, just choose something you like that's not too distracting (don't choose like an MLK speech or something), its not really something people can help you choose... they can tell you what music they used but as far as helping you find the "right" EPIC music, you're on your own, and should be on your own.

    I would concentrate on portfolio and website presentation than demo reel (which can be really time-consuming to make). I've only seen a handful of companies that require a reel and many companies that don't want them or mention them (they just want a link to your online portfolio).
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Unless your portfolio is the best shit ever, then some really epic music would just make me laugh.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    hmm well I noticed for one I posted this in the wrong section, and for 2 I Agree but I still would like to cycle through some stuff so any recomendations would be helpful still

    I understand everyone feels epic music isnt the way to go , but I still want to make my stuff look good. So I really would apprecaite any help from movies you guys think might be good to look into =\
  • Rob Galanakis
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    I'll give suggestions just because I love listening to this stuff sometimes. Here are my favs in no particular order (some overlap with what you have already)

    Blackhawk Down (anything from Hans Zimmer)
    King Arthur
    Kingdom of Heaven
    Matrix Revolutions has some epic stuff
    Pirates of the Caribean
    Shaolin Soccer
    FF7 Reunion (or any FF orchestral compilation or concert you can get your hands on, they rock)
    FF7 Advent Children
    Shadow of the Colossus

    tbh I would do something like a Monty Python song. Or I would use something NOT from a soundtrack and instead use an indy piece, such as Justin R Durban, Jonathan Geer, or any of the other literally hundreds of awesome indy composers you can find quite quickly and easily if you go through the Gamedev.net Help Wanted ads.
  • indian_boy
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    maybe u should look into game scores aswell?

    Gears of War has some great music [cole train rap lol...]
    The Total War series is great, and if u own a copy of the game, u just need to find "music.dat" in the audio folder.
    The FF series.

    there's a crapload more.
    but if u want strictly movies:

    Pirates of the Carribbean
    Matrix [kinda very techno-ey though]
    Star Wars [though ppl have heard those enough times to recognize right away]
    Samurai Champloo [ur kidding me? its Samurai Shampoo over here?]

    there's much more. i just can't think atm
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    cool thanks for all the advice, yah hans zimmers got some EPIC stuff more what im looking into, video game scores are all usually either strictly very character driven or more.....techno, wanna stick away from a techno demo reel, im not from euro' area so Its not so good for me =p

    shaloin soccer I remember having some good stuff, believe it or not I just finished watchin balls of fury and that had some actually good epic music to it, kinda made the movie mroe comical but the music was totally serious and epic sounding.

    anymore suggestions anyone?
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    to be honest...epic music only supports epic work. not saying yours isn't...cause i haven't seen it yet. just saying. when i went to school LOTS of people showed mediocre to OK work w/epic soundtracks....and it just came across all kinds of wrong.

    i had some old philip glass(the song ISLANDS from glassworks 1993) backing my stuff up...it was repetitive and soothing and seemed to flow w/my edits. i would recommend something that SUPPORTS your work...not something that casts a shadow over it.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    think the most used epic music for portfolios is the conan soundtrack, I see it a lot, Heck we used it for our demo reel when i worked at liquid dev.

    i would go for something simple and instrumental for music. you don't really want people to notice the music. something crazy and epic will detract from your work.. unless the work is fantastic.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, get something ambient rather than Epic. A lot of times when I look at people's Demo Reels and they decided to put something loud and distracting (Like speed metal or LOTR sound track stuff) I end up just muting the video.

    My suggestion? Some of Brian Eno's instrumental stuff.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Choose something distinctive that'll stand out from the crowd. Part of the reason my portfolio was remembered by the studio I now work at was because of the music. For the record, I used an experimental ambient-ish electronic track, Lichen Scrapings Clear the Light by Dissolved. Kind of epic but also interesting enough to stick in the mind as opposed your Hollywood orchestral scores that while nice, are used so frequently that they're pretty much immediately forgettable.

    Dissolved has a bunch of free music up on his webpage. Might be worth chekcing out.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    I just looked thru your portfolio, and i don't mean to sound like an ass, but you need to focus a lot more on your artwork, and a lot less on what music to put in your demo reel.
  • Rob Galanakis
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    Find something that sends subliminal messages.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    rhino, your the 2nd guy to say that in less then 2 weeks

    Im paying someone to update my website since I suck total cock and balls building them.But it wont be up till October =\

    rhino I sent you a PM to set things straight.

    Prof : Subliminal messages is sounding better and better
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    it's not the quality of the website that's the problem. The quality of your modeling and texturing is the problem.

    Some good advice I received from r0r when I was working on my portfolio a few years ago. he told me to not design my own stuff and use concepts from professional concept developers for your portfolio.

    You have a long way to go before you should start looking for work.

  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    pak : have you seen my latest stuff on the pimping and previews section...

    im not sure if you guys are refering to my work there or the website...the website is 2 years old.....with work dating 2 years ago..

    EDIT: I changed my sig to fix this issue for a bit
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i checked your latest threads, and you are correct, you are now so awesome art art that it is time to stop worrying about that and focus on completely meaningless things like music.

    actualy thats a complete lie. you are improving. and your work has gotten better. but you are far from the point where the most important thing should be music. hell even for a phenomanal artist music should not be this big of a deal. If you want something meaningfull as far as music thats fine. pick a favorite song of yours. but man.. a thread on a forum asking strangers to help you pick the best epic song ever. thats more thought that something like this should ever get. and this quote from you "but I still want to make my stuff look good. So I really would apprecaite any help from movies you guys think might be good to look into" is completely bewildering.

    Music won't even phase someones perception of your art work in your demo reel.

    bottom line you are getting better. I don't think you are ready for a job at this momment, maybe in another year. Its fine to make a demo reel you may score a job with it. but really man, just pick a song you like and use it.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    yea man I understand completely I just dont want you to think im some newbie, and no Im not at a point where im stopping at all, Im actually working on more stuff as we speak, I just wanted to get some recomendations for demo reel music was all since I graduate school coming december. I honestly dont have a favorite song so I just wanted to get some recommendations, and I agree with you, Ive been working every single day and night (I even work a night job now just to focus on stuff at my job since its security and a BS job) so all I do is just focus on my artwork and Im never quite satisfied with what I have.

    Im just trying to make something a bit flashy for school when im done, and then im spending the next 3 months after recreating a new demo reel before I go off to GDC and hoping that I will have some decent work that can land me a job somewhere.

    I understand im not the greatest artist, but im trying to be. So I just want to show off I think highly of what I do because its what I like to do.

    Im sorry about the misunderstanding with the crappy old site. I REALLY REALLY need to update it like I said.

    Well I guess im gonna stick with my pirates of the caribean song if everyone really dosent think so much of this?
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    "think the most used epic music for portfolios is the conan soundtrack, I see it a lot, Heck we used it for our demo reel when i worked at liquid dev."

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hate to derail the thread, but...yes,anvil of crom =awesome, it has one of the most badass openings ever.

    Whatever music you pick, if it suits your work and your personality and the video synchs well to it, it's all good. Good luck on getting your reel/portfolio together. smile.gif
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