Hands down, the best expansion pack I've ever bought. They added so much content with this, it could have easily been sold for full price.
There's something like 8 new factions, tons of new units and animations, 4 all new campaigns, 4 all new world maps, and tons of gameplay features and renderer enhancements.
If you're into RTS games at all, I suggest picking it up (requires Medieval 2 Total War to play).
Go Scotland!

Well my M2TW has been on reserve at Gamestop for almost a year now... I will pick it up eventually but I still play Rome and its mods from time to time...
It seems CA really turned things around when they switched from Activision to Sega, I don't think anyone expected this, great to hear.
this expansion pack is amazing. the new campaigns are great, the new vids are great, the new loading screens are great, the new character anims are great, the new interfaces are great. its all really amazingly done. and, this being the 1st expansion i've bought for the series, i'm beginning to regret not having bought others...
and with that new 'retrofit mod' i can't wait to hot seat with my brother [mwahahahaha].
oh btw: empire total war has been announced. didn't think it needed a new thread.... meh. maybe it does.
And that's not all that is troubling my People, who have lived in peace on this land for many moons until Chief Malekyth of the Unthinking Aggression took over. New France has descended from the north, and there are apparently English stomping this way too. Could this be the first Medieval campaign I outright lose long before I have a chance to get bored with the late game and start a new one?