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Concrete Games Art Test

So my next project (at the Art Institute of San Diego) is going to be the concrete art test. This art test has been done many many times at AI and I wanted to ask you guys whether or not this would make a good portfolio piece once it's finished (not based on quality of the presentation, but cause there's so many out there already). Otherwise I might try to do another building or something else that not tons of other people have.



  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    do something different. try and be creative and make your portfolio stand out from the others at your AI.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    It says, "from the concept sketch on the left," but the sketch is on the right confused.gif.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    probably better off in PnP
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Dude do something else. This is rather played out already. I have seen way too many of these and honestly it's not very interesting.

    You want to do something nice and challenging that will look good in your portfolio. Pick up the Gears of War Art Book and model a gun, vehicle, or part of a scene in there.

    That will catch a lot more attention then this would.
  • greenj2
    I'd say go with something original too. I've seen some really good demo reels floating around the net in the past by people who have attended the same 3d courses. While the work may look amazing, sometimes the subject matter is far too similar and I personally find that to be an attention killer. I scan over the model admiring the technical prowess without taking much notice of the overall design.

    That and you forfeit the opportunity to be completely free creatively, something I find myself missing from time to time at work. frown.giftongue.gif
  • The Keen
    Cool thanks for the advice, I think I'm going to do that. I'll think up something new and exciting (any ideas would be great too, and I'll check out the gears of war art) and I'm sure you'll all be seeing it soon in the pimping and preview section. Just as soon as I finish this KRISS gun I'm working on.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Do something unique. Walk around with a digital camera into odd parts of town, and take some shots. Search Flickr. Do something new.

    I would actually avoid looking at other games as reference for your artwork as well. Imitation is flattery, but unless you are absolutely sure that you could do a Gears of War weapon better than the guys who did the original game, there's not much point. By copying a well established style created by very talented artists, you are immediately forcing a comparison between them and you.

    Use some unique real-world reference, in addition to your own imagination and style to make something that will not only look good, but will prevent you from being compared to other artists. Try to stand out from the crowd.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    ok man you want something to model that will be a challange and be a nice piece...let me snap some pictures for you of a local building here that just partially burnt down and looks all destroyed or do a search on the p&p section for my balboa park thread. You live in San Diego. Make one of those buildings.

    High poly galore and so much detail.

    That would grab attention.

    Edit... Heres the link...

  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah pick something else. I wouldnt use Art tests for your portfolio. This has been passed around AI SanDiego ALOT. Best of luck.

    Edit: Jesse posted some great ref. Id hit that up!
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