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quick, dumb alpha question....

polycounter lvl 18
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fritz polycounter lvl 18
is there some way to have an alpha plane render both sides in viewport? front is fine...when i rotate around you can't see it.

max 8
J.I. style skin shader



  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Well the quick and dirty way I would do it would be to shift click on the plane and flip the normals while in face subobject. You can try and use a two sided material but I suspect it won't work. Make sure not to weld the verts cause it would mess up the smoothing group.

    Hope it works, cause I have not tried this with a normal mapped alpha plane and I suspect you are using them, if not it should work fine.

  • Guriamo
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    Guriamo polycounter lvl 17
    Just turn on Backface Culling in the object properties...
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    turning on backface culling doesn't work for me. i thought this was always a prob w/alpha sorting in max, and was wondering if it was ever solved.

    i can try your quick and dirty way Sage...things may get little bit nasty tho.

    thanks for chimin in guys.

    anyone else?
  • EarthQuake
    If you're using normals on the material its best to duplicated and flip anyway, otherwise one side will get lit incorrectly.

    edit: actually anytime you do this it will get lit incorreclty on one side, just with normals its usally more apparent.
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    if you're using a directx shader (i may have misunderstood but I think you might be?) the shader will have to be set to draw backfaces (not cull backfaces)

    either way EQ+sage are right, better to dupe+flip the geometry manually so the lighting will be nearer to correct.

    just my 2p worth. smile.gif
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