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Medal of Honour: Airborne

anybody downloaded and played the demo yet?
i did on the 360, and its actually pretty great for an FPS on a console [controls wise]. The graphics were neat, the gameplay was great and fast paced, and parachuting was fun too. overall, it looks like it'll be a really nice game.

what did u guys think?


  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    hmm. I played it. Looks like some nice improvements in the genre. Art wise, it seemed good. But I'm personally just tapped out when it comes to WW2 FPS. Actually WW2 anything at this point. I must have fought every ww2 battle by now. From the skies over Britain, to the beaches of Normandy, to islands of the pacific; from secret weapons, to secret underground labs with zombie Nazis. About the only thing I haven't done is drop the nuke to end it all.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    just 'meh' unfortunately. I'd love to like it more since I dig WW2 and I've got friends who've been stuck on this for a looong time (although they made a nice job of the graphics).

    It's all a bit miss South Carolina. Very pretty but shallow and not so bright. I broke the enemy AI within moments. The gameplay feels so tired, and just hasn't advanced with the graphics.

    The way EA approach action games reminds me of the way I approached dating before I was 25. All I cared about was what chicks looked like, and it took me a while to realize that eventually I'd get bored of shagging them, and might want an interesting conversation too.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I thought the graphics were kinda awful, personally. A lot of the textures are muddy and lack any kind of detail and the particle effects are very poorly done. This was on the PC demo with max settings but perhaps the XB360 version looks better?
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    i enjoyed the demo, but then i haven't really played the huge glut of WWII FPS games, so it might just be lack of perspective.
    i like what they've done with the leaning/peeking tied to ironsight aiming; that's an elegant refinement. the weapon advancement scheme seems rather enjoyable, too, albeit a feature that pulls you out of the believability of the setting somewhat with such a arcade-y style instant upgrade.
    i finished the demo with only a shot or two more before 'leveling up' on the M-1 the second time. the demo was successful for me in that it actually did leave me wanting to play more.

    they're moving out of their comfort zone (a little) with the pick-your-order style objectives, but what freedom does that really allow? i'd echo Daz's sentiments here, albeit without the sexual overtones (and since when did you date Miss South Carolina, Daz? laugh.gif ) i think a lot of the trouble is that most FPS engines are built on corridor mechanics so the question is where you can go with that gameplay if you don't go full blown Battlefield mode with it.

    oh, and has anyone managed to do a non-botched parachute landing yet? i haven't the faintest idea of how to do it properly.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Flaring is timed, you wanna hit the ground about halfway through your flare. smile.gif
  • bounchfx
    It exceeded my expectations.. but that's not saying much. It was fun, but reminded me a lot of CoD2.. only cod2 was a lot better.

    but I did kinda like the cover system, and I really liked the idea of leveling up weapons (if they didn't gimp you to begin with ugh), and the parachuting was kinda neat.
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