When using modular designs like this tutorial
Modular Design
I'm trying to wrap my head around it. If I create lets say a wall section square at 512x512 or so modular piece or create many of them to create my building then when ready to texture them lay the uv's out by planning to use the same 512x512 spaces or several of them on one sheet to save texture space instead of using one big sheet for the whole side of the building.
Also when building with modular designs, once you put the pieces together you do go back and merge all the verts as well right? So they are one piece and not modular really anymore it's all one mesh. Then you just uv the modular sections one by one matching each modular piece to the appropriate uv space on the texture map, right??
This can also work with thirding the textures... again I'm assuming. You can add borders, trim, etc by how you break up the modular piece and the uv map.
I think it makes sense, I just wanted another opinion. I am starting 2 seperate city scenes and I'm building several buildings for my final project at school and wanted to make sure this made sense prior to starting out.
Thanks in advance.

In english thanks to NoelCower;
anyone seen that tutorial on environment mapping a wall, that was similiar to poops on thirding but it was useful and it had end caps and was showing how you can layout for using like 4 textures for a bunch of walls?