Hey all,
So, i'm making an interface for the game im making. The interface is done but now i need to convert it to the game engine, i.e. all the transparency has to be done via alpha channels 32bit tga images.
It's particularry anoying since im using layer styles to see how i want my transparency but how should i bring this transperency to alpha channel?
Here's the interface for you to see.
Off the top of my head without seeing the image, it sounds like you could make an action out of this. Just record it once and play it back for each layer. You should be able to:
- Ccreate a new layer "ALT-Merge Visible" (which won't destroy any layers)
- Create a new layer fill it with black
select everything "CTRL-Click-Layer"
- Make a new layer fill the selection with white.
- Merge the black and white layers
- Copy paste that into the alpha channel and save your tga.
- OR have it create a new file, minimize it and when you've made all your images you can File>Automate>batch>Save them.
- You MIGHT be able to incorporate Harl's Save TGA script but I haven't tested it.
- At the end of the action you might want to have it track back up the history.
Seeing the image would be helpful ...
its a thumb to image. refresh the page plz.
lemme read what you wrote now.
thanks VIG!
i was having trouble putting the transparency in the alpha channel because i was CTRL+Clicking and then creating a alpha based on that. But instead i copied and pasted into a new alpha channel. and its working has i want it. Thanks. I0m so silly:D
New Layer
Merge Duplicate
Set selection
Set channel Alpha1 to selection
Delete layer
Set selection to none
Either way I think it would be a smart move to know how to build an alpha channel rather than trust an adobe wizard.